Chapter 51

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Again last night I didn't sleep well, I'm a very light sleeper so any noise wakes me up. Mahek was busy the whole night on her phone, I don't know who she was chatting to.

By the time she was done with her messaging, my sleep disappeared. She went to sleep around 1am and I sat up watching movies on my tablet.

Finally we done with all the shopping,  I'm glad we will be going home soon. Fawaaz bhai checked last night for flights for today and booked us on the first available flight back home.

Our flight is tonight and we will be back home by tomorrow morning. It's freezing here so I can't wait to get home to the warm toasty days.

I messaged Fawaaz bhai to let him know that I was only going now to bed, yes 8am in the morning and I am going to sleep.

Mahek took her things and went to shower and get dressed in the room Ammi and Asma Chachi were staying in.

I jumped into bed, put my head on the pillow, covered my head. I woke up a few hours later to a call from Zayaan.

"Doll, Abba called me just now and told me to come there. Is everything okay?"

"I don't know, I'm only going to get home tomorrow morning. Did you not ask what it was about?"

"No because he sounded angry."

"Abba angry, that can't be. Maybe he was just having a bad day and sounded angry. I'm sure it's nothing to stress about. Probably wedding stuff."

"Well we will see, I just got worried. Let me go, I've got a meeting in 10 minutes. Love you."

"Don't stress. Good luck with your meeting."

"Thanks doll."

I hopped out of bed, took a quick shower and ordered some brunch. I at least got a few hours of sleep. I messaged Mahek to come to the room.

I don't know what she is up to but Zayaan sounded worried. I don't want him to come if he got work to do and I certainly don't want to scare him into coming.

"You awake sweetie, can I get you something to eat?"

"Don't sweetie me, what did you do? You got Abba to call Zayaan to come? He is so worried he says Abba sounded angry."

"I just told Chachu to call Zayaan and tell him we got to finalise things for the project so he must come down."

"Why did you get Abba involved. He might be your cool Chachu but he is my Abba. What am I going to say when he asks why I wanted Zayaan to come?"

"You don't have to tell him anything. He knows already."

"What are you crazy? You told Abba. I can't believe you, you are gone insane. I'm never trusting you again."

Ammi came to check on us, she and Asma Chachi wanted to go out before we left to the airport. Our flight was 7pm so we have enough time to fit in last minute plans.

I can't believe we ended up doing more shopping. Luckily we didn't carry alot of luggage so we won't be over weight with our luggage.

I quickly help Ammi pack all the new stuff we bought into our suitcases. Once we were done we left for the airport.

I messaged Zayaan before I could leave, he said he was catching a plane in the morning to come see my Abba. I hope he won't get upset when he realises that it has nothing to do with my Abba.

Although I'm excited that I will get to see him, I don't want it to affect his work or our relationship.  At these delicate times I feel it is important that situations in a relationship should be handle very smartly and should have the approval of both sides.

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