Chapter 46

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We sat in the lounge, Uncle Bilal and my Abba got talking about their childhood and all the mischief they got up to. Nabeel, Imraan and Yumna walked in just before dinner was served.

I looked at Fawaaz bhai, I told him earlier to save me if imraan and Yumna were around. He just smiled at me and indicated with his eyes that he would handle the situation.

After dinner uncle Bilal asked my Abba about Zayaan. He asked such questions that made me think that something was on his mind. Why so much interest in Zayaan?

The evening went on and everyone were having fun, until uncle Bilal brought up Zayaan again in a conversation. This time matters got a bit serious, he was making accusations about Zayaan.

He told us a story about Zayaan, he said that he was engaged to Uncle Bilal's niece, everything was going well and a day before the wedding Zayaan was caught with another lady.

Uncle Bilal kept calling Zayaan names, insulting names. I listened to everything he had to say but didn't say anything to him. I got up from my seat and told my parent's I was going home. 

"Amu, Fawaaz and Zafar will go with you," my Ammi suggested.

"No Ammi, I want to go alone please."

Just as I got to the car,  Imraan came after me, he closed the door just as I opened it, not allowing me to get in.

"What's wrong Amaani? Why are you leaving?"

"Imraan please just let me go. I don't have to answer any of your questions."

"Yes you don't have to answer but I'm asking you because you look upset."

"I am upset. Now let me go because you just making me more upset."

He let me get into the car and I drove off. I can't believe no one from my family stood up for Zayaan. He is going to be the son-in-law of our family and they kept quiet watching someone bad mouth him.

Once I got to the hotel,  I changed into my pj's and then calmed myself down before I called Zayaan to find out about what Uncle Bilal said.

"Hey doll, what a surprise! What's up?"

"Tell me something were you engaged before?"

"No never, why?"

"That's all I needed to know. Sorry I asked you this question but I had to clear this matter."

"Doll why did you ask such a question?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow when we at the beach. You coming aren't you?"

"Yes doll we all will be there. I will be a little late though, I have a meeting at 8am and it might be a lengthy meeting."

"Okay no problem. I'll see you tomorrow."

That's all I needed to hear, I needed to check with Zayaan before I could say anything to my family. Why was Uncle Bilal lying and what is he gaining by lying?

I have been having a weird feeling about Uncle Bilal and his family ever since I told Imraan about Zayaan and I. From his reaction I sensed he was up to something. 

Today we meeting the Malik's at the beach, Zuhair bhai planned this day to lighten things up between the two families. After Zayaan and I told our parents about our plans there has been tension between the families.

We all got ready and met downstairs, I informed my parent's that Zayaan was going to be a bit late. They didn't look too happy, he hasn't apologised to my family as yet, I hope he realises and apologises soon.

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