Chapter 105

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A week into Aadil and Zayaan's plan and Aadil says he sees a change in Raeesa. I will have to see it to believe it, she is someone I believe can never change.

Aadil hasn't told her as yet how he feels but he has taken her out on a few dates and made her feel special. Sometimes the glim and glamour can change a person.

I'm not getting my hopes up until she is completely out of our lives. I haven't let my low expectations dampen the spirit Zayaan and Aadil has shown.

Zayaan seemed really excited this morning, he left in a rush so I didn't get to ask him what had happened. Sitting in bed all of a sudden I got this uneasy feeling.

My heartbeat felt like it was rising and I could feel the heat in my body as if it was boiling. I called for our helper and next thing I know I woke up to the doctor checking me and Zayaan next to me.

Once the doctor was finish with the check up, she stood up and looked at me with a unhappy look on her face. I was unsure how to react and then she said something I wasn't prepared to hear.

"Mrs Malik I'm afraid if this continues you are going to harm your baby. Why are you stressing so much? What is the cause of this stress, do you know that all this stress can harm your baby's development and brain as well. Mr Malik I would like to have a word with you in private."

She walked out and Zayaan followed her, I couldn't believe my ears and burst into tears. I was harming my baby. I have been trying my best not to stress, I don't even feel stressed.

Maybe I'm not aware of it but my mind is stressed. Zayaan returned to the room, he didn't look too happy and all he said was that he was sending me to my parents.

Before I could deprecate Zayaan left the room. I was too weak to go after him so I sat in bed waiting for him, I fell asleep and woke up to noises in my room.

Zayaan was busy packing my bags, I sat up and asked him to stop packing and have a seat next to me. We need to discuss this before we take a decision.

"Babes why are you adamant on sending me away."

"Did you not hear the doctor?"

"So you think if I go to my parents I won't be stressed. It will just add to my stress, I'm not going and that's the end of it."

"You not going alone, I will be going with you."

"Why can't we just stay here? I don't see why we need to change houses."

"Because staying here is stressing you out and with your family around you won't stress."

"Who said I won't."

"We have to try it, I don't want to discuss this matter anymore, my decision is final."

There was no changing his mind so I decided not to argue with him and just do as he said. He had booked our tickets already, our flight was for later in the evening.

Zayaan had already informed my family that we would be staying with them for a while, Fawaaz bhai was fetching us from the airport. 

I managed to get out of bed and take a quick shower with the help of Zayaan. Once we reached the airport Zayaan called Aadil and Raeesa and informed them that we were leaving for a while.

For the first time Raeesa accepted his decision without any argument or fuss. Zayaan told Aadil that by the time we got back he would like to see him with Raeesa.

When we got to my parents everyone was really excited to see us. Ammi said that it's been a while since she has seen Nanu so happy.

Bhabhi and Zafar are excited that I'm staying until I have the baby, they were disappointed when I said I wasn't going to have the baby here.

I was being pampered and showered with so much love. It has been a while since I've been this carefree and happy.

Maybe Zayaan was right, I know sometime, well most of the time I'm use to having things my way and Zayaan gives in to my demands like my Abba and brother's do but I'm glad he had his way this time.

Mariam Apa and Sawad came over just before dinner to see us, Sawad was fascinated at the fact that I know have a bigger stomach. 

He kept asking why Masi got a big stomach and kept say Masi gone fat. It was really cute, we tried explaining to him but he refused to hear that I got a little baby growing inside me.

Fati and Zunaid were also here, they were excited to see us. Fati couldn't stop talking about her new life, her routine change, how she manages work and the house.

Ammi and bhabhi made all my favourites for dinner, I just love being so spoilt. I miss bhabhi's food the most, especially the biryani she makes.

Ammi had Zafar move into my room and had all my things moved downstairs. Ammi didn't want me climbing the stairs too much.

"Thank you," I said to Zayaan as we got into bed.


"For convincing me to come here, I'm glad we came."

"I'm just happy that you are happy, I noticed you today and I must say it's been a while since I've seen you laugh and smile so much."

"It has been a while."

"I love you doll," Zayaan says as he places a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too babes."

I laid in bed trying to fall asleep but something made me feel restless. Zayaan was knocked out the minute he put his head on the pillow.

I walked up and down the room and then finally felt a bit sleepy, I got into bed and again I couldn't sleep. I didn't know what was happening.

I didn't want to wake Zayaan as he hasn't slept well for few days now and he was finally getting some sleep.

I went to sit in the living room and tried to watch some boring channels to make me fall asleep but it wasn't working.

I was dozing off when I heard the Azaan for Fajr, I heard Fawaaz bhai's footsteps coming down the staircase, he was coming to wake us up for fajr.

"Amu are you okay? What are you doing here? Everything okay with you and Zayaan?"

"I'm okay bhai, couldn't sleep so I came to sit here."

"It's probably a new environment, you use to your room."

"Maybe, anyways I'll wake Zayaan don't worry about him."


Thank you to everyone who messaged with concern if I was okay last week. I'm really sorry for not posting and hope you enjoy this post.

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