Chapter 106

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When I got to the room Zayaan was awake sitting on the bed. He looked like he had just woken up, he looked at me confused as to why I wasn't in bed.

"Where are you coming from?"

"I couldn't sleep so I went to the living room so I wouldn't disturb you."

"Doll you should have woken me up."

"It's okay, anyways it's time to wake up for fajr."

We prayed our Salaah and then I went to the kitchen to help bhabhi. As usual bhabhi was making tea for everyone and also preparing for breakfast.

I took a long refreshing shower, humming softly. I didn't sleep last night but I felt happy this morning. Maybe being back home made me happy.

At breakfast Abba mentioned that he wanted to have a get together the weekend. Ammi, Nuwal bhabhi and Nosheen bhabhi were busy planning for the weekend.

I was in charge of the guest list and inviting everyone. They only gave me this task so I wouldn't exert myself doing something else. I got to work right away making a list of all the people we would like to invite.

Abba gave me names of some people he wanted and so did Zuhair bhai and Fawaaz bhai. Zafu was still thinking on his invites and my bhabhi's said they only wanted their families invited.

The usual suspects were also on the list, Fati and Zunaid, Mariam Apa and Muhammed bhai, Papa and his family, my inlaws and ofcourse the Hamidi's.

Abba offered Zayaan his office so Zayaan has been busy with all his necessary work. He has to fly back home for a day to attend to a case so he is preparing for that. 

Asma Chachi was bringing lunch for us today, she usually does on a Tuesday and she and Papa joins us for lunch. Today was special though, they had some good news for us.

Suhail bhai has met someone and Papa and Asma Chachi have been to see her and her parent's, they got an answer from the girl and her family this morning.

Papa wants to introduce them to our family this Friday evening. I'm so happy for Suhail bhai, he deserves the best.

I immediately called Suhail bhai and congratulated him on the good news and warned him not to have the wedding anytime soon, I dont want to look so big in the photos.

He told me all about her. Her name is Shabnam, she works with her dad in their family business.

She sounded fimiliar but I couldn't put my finger on who exactly. I had to wait until Friday to see who his mysterious lady is.

Zayaan got back to work in Abba's office and everyone else got back to planning for the weekend. I felt sleepy so I took a nap in my room.

I woke up hours later, I opened my eyes and found Zayaan next to me staring at me. He looked a bit tensed, I hastily sat up and stroked his face.

"What wrong babes?"

"Nothing, don't worry everything is okay."

"You don't seem okay, is something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, I've been thinking that's all."


"How much I have troubled you, how your life would have been different if you had married Aahil. You wouldn't have had to go through all this. I'm really sorry that I put you through all this drama and heartache. You deserve so much better and so much more."

"I don't blame you or anyone not even Raeesa, it was my share of my taqdeer and that's what I got."

"But you sacrificed so much for your family, for me, for my family and now for our child. How much more can a person take?"

"I don't know how much a person can take but I know that Allah is by my side and until I have Allah I have everything."

"I wish I could be at least half as positive as you. Maybe that's why I fell inlove with you and I love you more each day."

"If I wasn't positive I would probably be in a mental facility. I guess it's all about having faith that the Almighty will be your guide and support."

"I wish our baby grows up and becomes just like you, positive and strong. She must be just as brave as you."


"Yeah I told you I want a girl."

"And what if it's a boy?"

"I will be happy with a boy as well as long as he takes after you."

He placed a kiss on my forehead just then bhabhi knocked on the door and asked if she could come in. She said we had some visitors and Ammi wanted us to come see them.

I put on my hijab and Zayaan and I made our way to the living room. Zayaan and I looked at each other surprised, it was Aunty Azeema and Armaan.

Armaan has completed his studies and was returning home, Aunty Azeema wanted to thank my parents for accepting Armaan into our home and also apologise for his behaviour which lead him to leave.

Armaan looked shocked when he saw us, I don't think he expected to see us. Ammi invited them to stay for dinner, it was their last night in town, they were leaving back home in the morning.

Zayaan and I excused ourselves, we had an appointment with the gynaecologist that we saw here before. Since I was now going to give birth here I needed to make sure I was all set.

I'm entering my eight month and I'm at a stage where I can't wait any longer, the doctor has advised that I don't travel and I take it easy.

That won't be too difficult since my family doesn't allow me to lift a finger. The doctor said everything else seemed fine and the baby looks healthy.

Excited about the due date being so close on our way home Zayaan and I discussed names. He suggested we let Zuhair bhai and Nuwal Bhabhi name the baby.

Since they can't have children he wants to give them a chance to feel the joy of naming a child in our family.

The fact that Zayaan thought about my brother and sister-in-law brought tears to my eyes. I thought it was a fantastic idea and decided to let them know tonight so they could start looking for names.

Everyone was home when we got back from my appointment. Armaan and Aunty Azeema were with Zuhair bhai and Ammi in the living room, Nuwal bhabhi and Nosheen bhabhi were busy in the kitchen.

Zayaan helped me to the room where I rested until dinner was served. I apologised to Aunty Azeema for not being a good host and disappearing to my room.

Dinner was lovely and so was the conversation at the table. Armaan seemed a bit uncomfortable and the way he kept looking at me freaked me out.

After dinner tea and desserts were served and then it was time for Aunty Azeema and Armaan to leave. Once they left everyone sat in the living room.

Zayaan asked Zuhair bhai and bhabhi to join us in our room. I didn't want to move from where I was but we thought we would tell them first and then they could tell everyone else if they wanted.

"Everything okay guys? Amu is everything okay with you and baby?"

"Jee bhai all is good, Zayaan and I actually called you here to ask you and bhabhi if you would do us the honour of naming our baby."

Silence filled the room and tears filled their eyes. I could see the joy on both their faces, bhabhi walked up to me and gave me a tight hug.

"Amu are you sure?" Zuhair bhai asks gingerly.

"Bhai we are absolutely sure, Zayaan suggested it to me and I'm glad he did so."

"You don't know how happy this makes us. We will never have children of our own and this just means so much to us."

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