Chapter 27

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As I got out of the shower, I heard a car pull up our driveway. I glanced from the window, it was Zayaan, he was dressed in a black flat front pants, a blue bottom down shirt, and his suit jacket rested on his arm.

I moved away from the window before he saw me, I dressed in my blue jeans and a pink t-shirt. As I picked up my brush to brush my hair bhabhi walked in to let me know that Zayaan had arrived.

I put on some make up and headed down, I was starving so I first went to the kitchen. Bhabhi had already started on breakfast.

"Bhabhi that smells so yummy, I'm starving, please give me something to eat."

"Amu don't be crazy, first go and greet Zayaan and spend time with him. We having breakfast together today."

"Bhabhi do I have to! I'm starving and can't wait long."

"Abba will be upset if you don't. Now just go and Abba wanted to speak to you as well."

As I entered the living room, Zayaan turned around and got up from his seat, how did he even know I was entering the room. He walked up to me, took my hand in his and pecked a kiss on my hand.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum, how are you?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Walaikum Salaam. Good and you?"


Before I could sit down my Abba excused himself and I, he told Zayaan that he had something important to discuss with me and that we wouldn't be long.

My Abba and I went to his office, he locked the door behind us. He looked displeased, he asked me to have a seat and then sat down.

"Amaani things are getting out of hand and I do not like it. What is happening with you? Is this how I brought you up? First Aahil and now Armaan. I have told you before that in our society we do not fall inlove and if we do it's after marriage.  You know that you getting married to Zayaan or do I have to remind you?"

There was pin drop silence for a good few minutes, I didn't dare say anything, I knew better. Even if I did say anything, what would I say. I was not at fault but my Abba would not understand.

"Amaani are you listening to me?"

"Jee Abba."

"Beta you have to understand that a girls image is special and fragile. It takes two seconds for her reputation to go from good to awful. I need you to understand that you are going to get married and your reputation is not only joined with your parents but with your inlaws as well. I need you to focus on your relationship with Zayaan, this is very important to me."

My Abba unlocked the door and let me go, I understood very clear what I was told. As much as my Abba was worried about me, he was also just as much or more worried about his reputation and his business deal.

I walked out of his office with tears rolling down my cheeks. I love my Abba but for any child it is important to show that they come first before your business and image.

I felt hurt, I was already being tortured by being under house arrest and on top of that Zayaan being around all the time. I wanted all this to end soon, many times I thought of running away with Aahil but I know I would never have the courage to do so.

I wiped the tears away and plastered a smile on my face. I went to the living room to give Zayaan company and relieve my brother's of the trouble. There were few seconds of silence after my brother's left the room.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah all good," I say convincingly. 

"Can I ask you something? I want to clear something before we go on."

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