Chapter 73

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We've been here for a week already and it's time to leave, tomorrow we head back home. This place is so beautiful, the people are amazingly friendly and have won my heart over. I don't feel like leaving, I have to but I will forever remember these friends.

We have made arrangements with a school and the trustee of the school that we will pay every year for little stephan's schooling and for his soccer training. We haven't told him as yet but we intend to do so before we leave. 

Today we spent most of the day relaxing, Zayaan had a couples massage session booked for us this morning so we stayed in for the day, we only went out to get meals.

I packed our bags and had them ready, we leaving after breakfast so I don't want to waste anytime. We have alot of friends to say goodbye to before we leave, we will definetely be keeping in touch with them.

I woke up to the sound of dishes, I opened my eyes and saw Zayaan standing with a tray in his hand. He decided to order breakfast for us, he didn't want me to rush and tire myself because we had a long eighteen hour flight back home.

I had breakfast and quickly got ready, we went down to check out and to greet all the great people we met, we started with the hotel staff, who gave us such an awesome welcome and made our stay pleasant.

Before we could leave for the airport we introduced the old lady from the stall to the to the trustee of the school and Stephan's new soccer coach.

She and Stephan were both very excited and thankful for everything that we are doing for them. Her blessings were all that we needed and she blessed us in abundance. It was sad leaving such beautiful people behind.

After a very lengthy flight we finally got home, Zuhair bhai and Bhabhi picked us up from the airport. We went straight home, I was too exhausted to think of anything besides my bed and it was 4 in the morning.

We prayed fajr salaah and went to bed, we both woke up just before Zuhr. Bhabhi had prepared lunch for us but I wanted a strong cup of coffee before I could put down any food.

Zuhair bhai booked tickets for him and Bhabhi to go back home, they return tonight. Ammi invited Zayaan and I for dinner, so we didn't go during the day to visit them.

I am so glad that the whole Nafeesa drama is over. She won't try anything now because she doesn't have information about the happenings in the house and we now have guards outside all the time.

We dropped Zuhair bhai and Bhabhi at the airport and then went to my inlaws for dinner, it was so nice to see Zayaan and Abba get along. I've always seen them arguing and uncomfortable with each other.

Tabassum was really excited about the gifts she got. I sent all the gifts I got for my family with Bhabhi. Tabassum wanted to know all about our trip and we were excited to share our experience. 

I woke up to the smell of waffles,  I went to the kitchen and found Zayaan busy making breakfast. There was this awkwardness between us, I didn't know what to say and he didn't know if he should say anything. 

"What's happening here?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing much, just making breakfast?"

"But why you making breakfast, I would have made."

"Is it okay with you if I spoil my wife a little?"

"Yeah sure go ahead."

We had breakfast together and then Zayaan suggested we go out for a little while. I can't wait for my car to come, Abba is having it sent over next week with one of the staff members. I feel so confined to one place without a car and I'm going to need it in a weeks time.

Zayaan decides to take me to a nature reserve, he didn't tell me that he had planned everything in advance. He had someone prepare a picnic basket for us and have it delivered to the reserve.

I don't think it could have came at a better time, we really needed a day to ourselves before Zayaan got back to work and before I started Uni. I am happy that Zayaan decided to spend the day together.

We drove around the trails while catching up on happenings of the past week, we also got to share and understand alot of our thoughts and feelings. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Once we were done, we went to visit my inlaws.

Ammi was not feeling too well today, she had a headache since the morning and she hurt her back yesterday. Tabassum was going to inform us but Ammi didn't want her to. Zayaan called the doctor and had him come check what was wrong.

I haven't spoken to anyone from home this week so when we got home I called them to see how they were doing. I didn't get to speak to Fawaaz bhai because he was out with Nosheen bhabhi.

Zafu was really excited he has his ball this weekend. He is taking a girl he likes from his class. He said that Ammi asked her parent's permission and she said yes. Ammi warned him that he has a long way before he can think of having a relationship. 

Abba has been out with the cold this week, he's been to the doctor twice which is unusual for Abba. Bhabhi and Zuhair bhai are preparing for their holiday, they going to the coast for a week.

I've invited Jameel and Laila over for lunch tomorrow, so I got an early morning. I would really like to get to know them, they were pleasant to meet. Zayaan said that he was close to Jameel and because of family issues they don't get to meet very often.

Laila messaged me yesterday that's when I got the idea to invite them over. They helped alot at the walimah as well and we haven't gotten a chance to thank them for it.

Zayaan was a bit apprehensive about inviting them over, he knew his parent's wouldn't have a problem but his uncle would and he didn't want to cause any problems, I asked Laila to speak to Jameel first before she agreed and to also make sure that he was comfortable to accept the invite since they have so many family issues already.

They had made it clear that they didn't care what the family thought and would not let that get in their way of keeping in touch with those who also wish to.

Zayaan had informed his parent's earlier when we were there and they didn't seem to have a problem. This family is full of issues, it sad because we taught our whole life not to break family ties but here the whole family is apart.

It will take some getting use to all these family politics, I actually believe in staying very far from all these politics. Since Zayaan is not involved in the problem I don't see why we can't meet with any family who wants to still keep family ties.

I made a suggestion to Zayaan to sit with Jameel and get in contact with the cousins who they know are not involved and who want to keep in contact with other family members at least that way in future our children will know some of their family. 

I was haggard by the end of the day and needed my bed. I appreciated the effort Zayaan had put into today and really enjoyed myself. Zayaan wanted to check his emails so I left him and went to bed.


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