Chapter 8

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I hear the alarm blaring, waking me up from a deep sleep, I sprung out of bed and took a quick shower. I went downstairs, Fawaaz bhai was ready and waiting for me and so was our driver. We had breakfast and were off to the airport. I was nervous, on our way to the airport Fawaaz bhai mentioned that Aahil is picking us up when we land.

We landed and got our luggage, we walk out and see Aahil waiting with flowers in his hand. Fawaaz bhai looks at me like I should have answers as to why Aahil has a bouquet in his hand, I frown and shake my head letting him know I have no idea what's happening.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum brother, how was your flight?"

"It was good, hope you not waiting too long, I told your dad that we would get there ourselves but he wouldn't take no for an answer."

"No, I'm not waiting too long, anyways I'm just waiting for someone else, the flight should be landing soon, if you guys don't mind waiting a little."

"Yeah sure no problem bro."

I went with the driver to the car and Fawaaz and Aahil waited for his guest. I put my earplugs on and relax in the back seat, a few minutes later I see Aahil, Fawaaz bhai and a girl come towards the car. Aahil is holding her by her waist and walking, I look away to show him I'm not affected by it.

Is he really trying to make me jealous, I mean for real grow up. We got to their house and were shown to our rooms after we greeted everyone. Lucky for me Fawaaz bhai was opposite me but sharing with Aahil. We were given a schedule with upcoming events and times.

Lunch is served soon so I decide to see if they need any help, not to my surprise everything is catered for so no one has to do anything. I help the caterers anyways since I don't have anything to do and I don't want to sit in the living room with the elders or in the garden and watch Aahil have his hand all over this girl.

I don't even know her name and I'm not even bothered, he never introduced her and I never bothered to introduce myself because I think he should have. Aahil's sister Imaan sees me helping the caterers and immediately takes me away.

At lunch Aahil's father Uncle Umar gives a welcome speech to all the guests, then lunch is served. The waiters brought starters to us and then the main course was served buffet style.

Then they had some entertainment and games set up for everyone, I decided to rather go see my Ammi and my grandparents. I dragged Fawaaz bhai with me although he wanted to stay with his friends.

"Amu always has to be a spoil sport, it's just who she is," Aahil said trying to make like he didn't want me to hear but he did.

"No I'm not I just have better things to do then sit around and flaunt infront of the guys," hinting at his new girlfriend.

I walked away before he could say anything, I went to my room to grab my bag and phone. Aahil followed me to my room.

"Why you so mean to Layla?"

"I don't even know her to be mean to her and I frankly don't want to know her. I'm here to attend your brother's wedding and not entertain you with my skills," I said while walking out of the room.

I met Fawaaz bhai at the car and we were off to see our family. I enjoyed driving along the beach, the scenery was so calming. We get there and my Ammi is busy making us treats, she made all our favourite snacks.

My nani was walking around and looked so much more healthier. We sat with them speaking about everything and the other. I was enjoying my time with my grandparents. We left just a little after Asr and 20 minutes later we were back at the wedding house.

This evening they were having a big dinner with their family and friends from the coast and all their guest from outside as well as the brides family. So we got dressed up all smart and met at the garden area.

Everyone was there, I saw a few old friends who I was so relieved seeing here and made a few new friends. Imaan spent the night right by my side, we were always close although she is 3 years younger then I. She didn't seem to like Layla so she stayed away from her.

Aahil tried to force Layla to spend time with us but she preferred to be by his side. I must say I was enjoying him being annoyed with her all over him. He thought I wasn't paying attention but everytime I looked at him he would pull her closer or hold her hand or put his hand around her waist. It didn't bother me though.

By midnight I was exhausted, the party was still going on but I decided to call it a night and went to my room. Luckily I had my own room and didn't have to share, I like my space and privacy. I changed into my pj's and got into bed, I dozed off into a deep sleep.

Aahil and Mubashir bhai planned a day full of fun today for all us kids, they were having a beach party and had a whole lot of entertainment planned. They hired cars and had everyone driven to the venue, when we got there we were welcomed with flower petals and served juice at the entrance.

They had small tents set up everywhere on the beach which had one large carpet and huge cushions and some had lovely outdoor furniture in white and grey.

Mubashir bhai sensed the tension between Aahil and I so he planned to get us to sort out our differences. He had one of the hotel staff call us into one of their hotel rooms. I didn't know that he called Aahil and Aahil didn't know I was called as well.

I knocked on the door and Mubashir bhai opened it, as I entered the room I see Aahil standing by the window.

"What is he doing here? I thought you needed my help with something?" I say annoyed.

"There's something going on between you two, I want it sorted out today."

"We okay with each other, there's nothing going on."

"Ag don't do that Amu, don't insult my intelligence. I've seen you two grow up and I've always solved all your fights. My airhead brother won't even know when something good hits him so I'm here to make him realise what he has. Amu my brother is inlove with you and I know he's told you this but maybe he didn't do it the right way and I'm sure you feel something for him because I've seen you get jealous when he was with Layla."

I stood there in shock, Aahil and I both just stood there and didn't say a word. I was praying that Fawaaz bhai would not find out where I was because he would be so upset.

"I don't know what Aahil told you but there's nothing going on between us. We haven't spoken to each other for a month so there can't be a problem. Also he can't be inlove with me he is probably confused because a month after you confess your love to someone you don't go around with another girl holding her hands, kissing her all over her face and more importantly you don't try to hurt the one you say you inlove with because that's exactly what Aahil was trying to do," I said hysterically and walked out of the room.

As I was going out I heard Mubashir bhai tell Aahil that he really messed up. I walked towards the outside of the hotel where everyone was and suddenly someone grabbed me by my hand and pulled me towards them while blocking my mouth so I couldn't scream. I was absolutely mortified, I thought I was being kidnapped or something.

"Calm down it's only me," Aahil whispers into my ear.

"What the hell man. What are you doing? I almost had a heart attack."

I could hear footsteps and I knew it wouldn't look good if someone saw us together, I moved back and walked into the bathroom which was opposite from where we were standing. Imaan was in the bathroom so I walked out with her, lucky I did because Fawaaz bhai was standing outside talking to Aahil. 


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