Chapter 13

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I finally reached home, it seemed like forever,  Zuhair bhai picked me up from the airport. He already knew about everything that happened at the coast. When I got home bhabhi made me her special fererro milkshake. Everyone gave me my space which was great, the next few days I spent locked in my room.

Today my parent's and Fawaaz get back from the coast. I have to show my parent's that I've forgotten about Aahil and I'm happy with their decision so I scurry out of bed, take a nice relaxing shower, I go downstairs and have breakfast with everyone.

I make them promise me they won't mention to my parent's that I was stuck in my room for so many days. I help bhabhi prepare lunch, we make biryani and I make sojee and a dessert. I had some time on my hands before my parents could get here so I made my Abba's favourite carrot cake.

Zuhair bhai and Zafar went to fetch them at the airport. I waited patiently in the living room, twiddling my fingers and tapping my feet. I know the topic of discussion is going to be the Malik's because they are coming over this weekend.

I hear the car pull up the driveway, my palms start sweating and I become nervous but plaster a huge smile on my face as I open the door. They come in and go straight into the living room, my Ammi gives me a hug and a peck on my cheek.

Bhabhi and I set the table for lunch and then call everyone. I'm dreading sitting with everyone at the table, tomorrow is friday and the Malik's will be arriving in the evening so obviously they will be the topic of discussion.

We all take our seats and there's a few minutes of everyone dishing and noises of dishes and then complete silence,  then my Abba breaks the silence.

"Zuhair tomorrow the Malik's will be here for dinner make sure you take care of everything for their welcome and sort out their rooms, Nuwal make sure dinner is sorted, Fawaaz you go with the driver to fetch them, you need to take two cars and Zafar I want you to help Zuhair, Amu you just relax tomorrow."

We all say jee and carry on eating, Bhabhi doesn't let me help her clean up or pack the dishes in the dishwasher, she send me upstairs as the expression on my face shows how upset I am. Fawaaz comes up to check on me.

"How you holding up?" he says gingerly.

"I'm good bhai, excited about tomorrow, what you think I should wear I can't decide from these two?"


"I was thinking the red and black but bhabhi said the blue and black, she sa…."

"AMU! STOP IT!" he yells out. "What are you doing? Hiding from me? I thought we never hide anything from each other. Why are you pretending to be okay with this? I'm going to tell Abba to call them and tell them not to come, I can't see you hurt like this."

He turns to walk out so I yell,"STATUE!" And immediately he stands still.

"Please bhai don't do that, they will be so hurt and disappointed and I can't do that to them. Accept it, we all knew that this would happen one day. I have to get married and make a life with a total stranger only in my case I can never love him because I love someone else."

"So we can't hurt their feelings but we can be hurt? I hate how things have to be."

We sat there hugging each other, comforting each other, this could be one of many last moments with my brother. I tell him that the next few months are going to be difficult but I want to make it the best few months with my family. He leaves the room in tears, bhabhi and Zuhair bhai come in next, they want to speak to me before the Malik's coming over.

"Amu we wanted to speak to you, can we come in?"

"Bhabhi when did you need permission to enter my room, you know you can come in anytime."

"How do you feel about the Malik's coming over? "

"I haven't given it much thought, it would be nice though to see my future inlaws."

"Amu if you not happy I want you to tell us, we will not let you go into this if you not happy," Zuhair says concernedly.

"I'm happy as long as Abba and Ammi are happy and they seem to like the Malik's, Abba would never chose wrong for me, I trust him."

"Amu what about your happiness, what you want?"

I look at Zuhair bhai and he is not convinced that I'm okay. He has this questioning look on his face so I remind him of his time when it was announced that he was getting married to Nuwal bhabhi. He didn't know her, it was all arranged but they made it work. Today they have an understanding and bond that is unbreakable.

He hugs me and tells me how proud he is of me and what a strong person I am. Bhabhi stays behind to help me pick out an outfit, we decide on a black and pink salwaar suit. I decide to get an early night mostly to avoid anymore conversations.

"Aasaalaatu Khaayrum Minan-Nauum." ( Prayer is better than sleep), Fawaaz bhai call out as he knocks on my door. I get out of bed and pray my fajr, after fajr I get back into bed but I couldn't go back to sleep. My mind has been going in circles, how I wish it was the Hamidi's coming instead of the Malik's. My phone beeps, I check it, it's a message from Aahil.

Aahil: "Assalaam-u-alaikum, wishing you all the best for tonight."

I wonder how did he know, I jump out of bed and get dressed in my black and green Abaya. I went downstairs for breakfast. I felt a bit better after I got that message from Aahil but not as good as I should have been feeling considering that any girl would be pretty elated to be meeting her future husband and inlaws.

I help bhabhi with breakfast, at the breakfast table my Abba checks on all the things everyone's doing today. I decided to spend my day at my cousin Mahek's house. I told my parent's that I would be back after lunch. I needed to get away from the Siddiqui family, everyone in my family seemed excited about the Malik's coming over.

I spent the day with Mahek, we went for a drive around town and then decided to go for ice-cream, we then went to the masjid for Jummah prayers and I got to meet some of my other cousin's and friends. Non of them knew what was happening as yet. Mahek and I decide to go to the mall for lunch, we go for traditional Indian cuisine.

Mahek dropped me off at home after lunch, although I was dreading it but I had to go inside and get ready for the Malik's. My Ammi and bhabhi were busy in the kitchen with last minute preparations, Zuhair bhai was busy putting final touches in the guest rooms. Fawaaz bhai had already left to the airport with Zafar.

Armaan is unaware of all that is happening, he is on holiday with a few of his cousins. He left the same day Fawaaz and I left to the coast. I haven't messaged him to tell him because I don't think I should be saying anything as yet. When he gets back I will definitely tell him. 

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