Chapter 33

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It's been three days now since Zayaan and I had a fight. After I went to his hotel and tried to sort things out I haven't seen him. We haven't spoken once, he hasn't even tried to make things right.

He is definetely not going to come apologise, he values his ego more than this relationship. For the sake of my parent's I had to try to solve this problem.

I called Zayaan and invited him for lunch, I asked my Abba to allow me to use my car. When I got to the restaurant Zayaan was already waiting there but he was with someone.

I was shocked, I invited him to sort out our personal problems and here he was bringing someone else to our lunch plans without my knowledge.

I decided not to create a scene or show him that I was upset, so I walked up to the table he was seated at and greeted them both. I've never seen this lady before and Zayaan didn't introduce us.

I asked if I could sit and she answered, so I sat. They ordered their lunch already and with all the drama he had put up already I was full so I ordered myself a drink.

"So why you wanted to meet?" Zayaan asks contemptuously.

"To sort out our problem. I'm here to say I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have allowed another guy to hug me whether infront of you or in your absence."

"Finally you came to your senses. It's good, at least you learnt a lesson, although it took you three days. As they say better late than never."

"Yeah I guess so. Anyways let me leave you two to carry on. Will see you around... was nice meeting you miss."

I got up and walked towards the door when I heard Zayaan tell the lady that this is how it's done, making an arrogant spoilt brat bow down to you when it's not even their fault.

I felt like turning around and slapping him but what would I get out of it. I walked to my car and drove off. I was shocked to see this side of Zayaan.

My family praised him so much and here he was being so arrogant. I for the first time don't know how to react to someone like him or to the situation.

When I got home I told my Abba that I apologised to Zayaan but I didn't tell him the rest. I didn't want to break his hopes and I did want him to feel disheartened for forcing me into this marriage.

My Abba returned my phone and allowed me to keep my car. I asked Mahek to meet me at their flat, I needed to get out of the house and needed to speak to someone I could trust and who wasn't on team Zayaan.

"Amu what's wrong? Why did you want to meet here?"

I told her the whole story from what happened at the party until our so called lunch meeting. She was shocked that Zayaan turned out to be so different to what he shows. We sat there for hours chatting and crying.

When I got home I saw Zayaan's car parked in my spot. This guy really has the nerve, after all he did, he shows up at my house. What he expects an apology?

I didn't bother to go see why he was here. I went to the kitchen informed bhabhi that I was back and went up to my room. She told me that Zayaan was with my Abba in his office.

I was in a mood for bowling, I needed to cheer myself up, so I messaged all my bowling buddies and made plans for dinner and bowling. The usual suspects were invited, Suhail bhai, Mahek, Fawaaz bhai, Zafar, Muhsin, Fathima and myself.

Fawaaz bhai informed my Ammi about our plans, my Ammi asked for me to wait as my Abba wanted to speak to me. I sent Fawaaz bhai and Zafar with the rest to the restaurant while I waited for my Abba to call me.

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