Chapter 56

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Zayaan and I haven't spoken to each other for the rest of the day, infact we haven't seen each other. I never went out of my room because I didn't want to bump into him and be forced to speak to him and he didn't come up to see me.

Bhabhi said that he was sulking downstairs in the lounge the whole day, he sat at the lunch table but didn't eat once he heard I wasn't eating and he refused to have dinner as well.

I am upset with him so I don't care if he doesn't eat, well I do but I'm not going to show him that I care. He doesn't think it's important for us to be transparent in our relationship then I don't see reason for me to show him extra attention.

Today he is hiding this from me tomorrow it could be something else. I don't want a marriage where there are secrets. How can he say it doesn't involve me, of course it does.

I was attacked, I was the one who took the bullet, yes I agree he didn't ask me to but how could I stand there and let him be harmed.

Ammi feels I'm over reacting and that I'm being rude to Zayaan infront of his parent's. How can she side with Zayaan? He is wrong and needs to realise it.

My inlaws were leaving today, detective Khan asked Zayaan not to leave town so he is staying. I went downstairs to greet them before they left and then went back to my room.

After they left Zuhair bhai and Bhabhi came to speak to me. They felt I was being stubborn, maybe Zayaan was keeping a secret from me for my own good.

"Bhai please do not say anything if you here to defend Zayaan. I've heard enough of everyone taking his side like he is right. He is never going to realise that he is wrong with everyone supporting his wrongdoings."

"Amu I'm not here to defend him. I just feel that you can go a little easy on him. You have to understand he is traumatised, he is worried about you and somehow he feels responsible for what happened to you."

"I know that but it doesn't mean that he has to keep secrets from me. Do you and bhabhi keep secrets or do you tell each other everything even if it means that it might hurt the other or put the others life in danger?"

"No Amu we don't but we haven't been put in such a situation. Zayaan only wants your safety and that's most important to him."

"Maybe if I know what he is hiding I can help him."

"Amu it's better if you don't know."

"Why would you say that? Do you know something and you not telling me?"

"Amu all I'm saying is sometimes it is better that we don't know certain things that way we less worried."

"I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what's happening. I feel like such a fool, but I guess it's my loved ones who are making fool of me."

"Amu don't say that, it's not like that, you not the fool."

"Bhabhi please you don't start now. I'm not in the mood for another lecture and definitely not in the mood for excuses. I think it's best if you all just left me alone. I'm tired and I want to rest so if you don't mind."


"Bhabhi please don't, I don't want to say something that I'm going to regret so please you and bhai just leave."

Once bhabhi and bhai left I closed my room door, sat on my bed and cried. What was happening? Why is everyone not telling me the truth, can they not see how restless it's making me?

This morning I woke up and felt like I needed to get away from everyone especially my family so I called Fathima and made plans to go out for some shopping. I didn't inform anyone at home that I would be going out.

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