Chapter 90

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I received a message this morning from Zayaan, he will be in town by this evening. I suddenly felt restless, a millions thoughts going through my mind. I could feel the tension hit me, I don't know how to react.

When I went down for breakfast I told everyone that Zayaan would be arriving this evening. He has asked to meet with my parents first. Abba has asked him to come home for dinner and then they could speak.

Zuhair bhai and Fawaaz bhai were upset and didn't want Zayaan any where near me. They told Abba that they were not going to allow him to see me but Abba reminded them that it is my decision and that I am still his wife.

I spent most of the day in my room thinking what I was going to tell Zayaan. I don't know if I want to go back with him and try to work on things or whether I want to lead a life on my own. What will happen to Raeesa? I know I don't want to be the other wife or the first wife.

Aahil came to give me company, he was busy for most of the day with work so he couldn't spend time with me. He has been a good friend, I wish I could return his favor but nothing will make up for all that he has given me.

"So how is Ammi and baby doing?"

"We okay, I'm just a bit worried about tonight."

"Don't be, look he is the same Zayaan you fell inlove with, he didn't do all this on purpose, so he didn't do anything wrong. It's up to you two to decide if you want to live together or separate."

"I know he is not at fault, maybe that's what makes it more difficult."

"It is going to be, especially with the baby now. You know that we all here for you no matter what you decide. If you want to go back, we okay with it as long as you happy."

"What would I do without you, you've proved to be a really good friend."

"You wouldn't survive without me, everyone needs a little Aahil around."

"Very funny,  you…" before I can complete my sentence we hear someone hoot. "It's him," I say looking at Aahil. 

"Be calm, you got time, he is going to meet Ammi and Abba first."

I stood by the room door waiting to hear if it was Zayaan, bhabhi opened the door and I heard his voice as he greeted her. My head felt heavy all of a sudden and I felt weak, I faintly heard Aahil call bhabhi and the next thing I know I woke up on the bed with Zayaan and Aahil in the room.

"Aahil, water please."

"Hey babes you awake," he says as he pours the water.

"Zayaan what you doing here?" I ask in disarray.

"Doll I told you I'm coming tonight, I have already spoken to your parent's."

"Amu, I'll see you later," Aahil says nonchantly.

"Wait, what happen to me."

"You fainted doll, it happened just as I arrived, maybe I caused it," Zayaan says.

"I'll have bhabhi send you something to eat, take care."

"Thanx Aahil."

There was complete silence in the room after Aahil left, I didn't know what to say and I guess Zayaan didn't know where to start. I tried to get up from the bed but before I could Zayaan stopped me.

"Doll don't, you still very weak, the doctor said you need bed rest."

"What the doctor was here aswell, how long was I unconscious for?"

" A few hours, he gave you some injection and said you will be out for a while."

"I'm really sorry."

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