Chapter 77

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Today was a really chaotic day, I had back to back lectures, I was still catching up on the work I had missed and my lecturers were starting new topics. I spent my free time listening to the notes Shiraz had made for me. I messaged Zayaan to inform him that I would be late.

Me: "Hey babes, I'm really sorry that I'm doing this to you but I'm going to be home really late. I have a lecture at 5pm."

Zayaan: "It's okay doll, don't stress we will get take outs. Do you want me to pick you up?"

Me: "No it's okay I will manage, I'm sorry I won't be able to give you my attention tonight, I got an exam tomorrow."

Zayaan: "It's understandable doll, just be safe and I love you."

Me: "Love you too."

I felt really bad but somehow I knew this would happen. I knew there would be days I wouldn't be able to spend time with Zayaan, days where he would have to opt for take outs and days he would probably go to bed alone. He always said he didn't mind but I felt like I was neglecting him.

When I got home Zayaan was asleep infront of the tv, it was just past 7pm, from the boxes on the kitchen counter, I figured that Zayaan had already eaten. I didn't want to disturb him so I left him to sleep. I decided to eat before I went up to our room. I opened the box and realised that Zayaan had not eaten from the box, I checked for another box but there wasn't. 

"Babes…babes wake up…babes."

"Hey love! You back, I ordered food for dinner."

"I saw that but why haven't you eaten as yet?"

"How could I eat when you are hungry?"

"My jaan, you should have ate a little bit at least, what if I was very late?"

"I would have waited."

It was 11pm, Zayaan was asleep and I still had a few hours of studying left. With all the catching up and taking in the new work I was definitely going crazy. I could feel the pressure and didn't think I could handle it. This is just the beginning, how will it be as I go further on? Zayaan woke up and saw me still going at it, he knew how important this is for me.

"Doll you still studying, are you okay?"

"I'm alright babes, go back to sleep."

"Continue studying I will be back."

I was too busy to bother what Zayaan was doing so I continued studying, few minutes later Zayaan came up with coffee for me. He switched on the lights and sat next to me, helping me to stay awake.

"Why don't you take a break doll? Don't exert yourself please."

"I would love to babes but I got a lot to study."

"Doll I know this is important to you but is it more important than your health?"

"It's not babes but I'm okay for now, I will stop when I can't manage, please go sleep."

Zayaan sat on the bed busy with his phone while I continued to study. Time passed by and before I knew it, it was already time for Fajr. I woke Zayaan and we prayed our Salaah.

He was also going in late so we both jumped back into bed and got a couple hours of sleep before we could get ready for work and uni. My exam was after lunch so I had enough time to sleep, Zayaan wanted to leave earlier but didn't tell me so he left with out waking me.

Zayaan: "Assalaam-u-alaikum doll, sorry I left without waking you but I didn't want to disturb you, good luck for your paper later. Love you."

Me: "Walaikum Salaam babes, no problem and thanks. Love you too, see you later."

When I got to campus, Tasneem and Shiraz were sitting together in the cafeteria, I inferred that their date went well and they both felt the same about each other. I walked up to them to congratulate them but they both looked worried.

Someone saw Tasneem with Shiraz at the restaurant and went to tell her parent's. They are very upset because she promised them that she wouldn't get into a relationship while she studied. Her parent's have now put a stop to all her time with her friends after uni and her privileges have been taken away. 

I felt really bad because it was my idea and now they can't be together. I told her I would speak to her parent's but she refused blaming me for the mess they are in. It was time for my exam so Shiraz and I left, he apologised for her behaviour and told me not to feel bad, it was not meant to be. I knew too well how they were feeling so I knew I had to try and help them.

Once my paper was done I called Zayaan to let him know and told him how I nailed it. I am confident that I have passed with flying colours. Tasneem avoided Shiraz for the rest of the day, she said she didn't want to see him and be realised of her feelings being shot down.

When Zayaan got home he told me that we were going out for dinner to celebrate, I didn't want to celebrate too early and then end up disappointed so I refused but he gave me some good news. We were celebrating his success in a case, he had a huge case today and he won.

It was still early so we decided to first do some shopping, after a few stores Zayaan begin to get hungry so we went to the food court for dinner. I was tired of heavy meals so I suggested a nice sandwich place I heard about from Hassan.

I found us a table and sat down while Zayaan ordered our food, a well dressed guy walked up to me and asked for my number,  I told him I was married and turned my head but he wouldn't stop pestering me.

"If I'm not mistaken the lady has told you that she is married so back off," Zayaan says sternly.

"And you are?"

"Her husband, now get lost."

This guy looked annoyed but he turned and walked away, I was impressed the way Zayaan handled the matter. I expected him to get upset and beat up the guy. We finished our meal and went back home.

"Can you believe that guy? He wouldn't stop pestering me. I kept telling him I'm married and he was like so what we can still keep in contact."

"He was dressed so decent but acted so cheap."

"You handled the situation quite well, I thought you were going to hit him."

"Maybe if he had continued."

"I think he got scared of you, it's the first time I experienced something like this, It was scary."

"Doll you don't have to be scared when I'm around."

Just before we got into bed Fathima called to see how we were doing. She had some good news for us. Zunaid proposed and will be coming the weekend to see her family and ask for her hand in marriage. I am so happy for her, I've never liked the idea of them dating so somehow I judged him.

I didn't bother to really get to know him, I just hope he keeps Fathima happy. She has been through alot in her life. The loss of her father, her mother remarried and it never worked out, she being the only child she never had anyone to share her problems with. Being a quiet person never really helped her in making friends so she basically bottled up all her feelings.

Zayaan told her to let us know what happens and when they decide they want to have everything, he also advised her not to delay for too long. Since Zayaan has become part of my life he has taken care of all my family and friends like they are his own. He has advised Fathima on many ocassions and today as well he has showed her that we support her and the decision she has made.

Zayaan got busy on his phone, while I completed my assignment. I could see that I would soon have to put a stop to going out otherwise I'm going to end up working till late every night. I don't know how Ammi managed when she was studying. To manage a husband and inlaws must have been more difficult. I'm lucky Zayaan is understanding and he manages on his own. 

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