Chapter 83

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Today Zayaan was getting discharged,  the doctor called and told me that he would be discharged at 10am. I went to the hospital not knowing what I was going to say or do. I had the intention of saying my goodbyes but in one night so much has changed.

I got a call from my doctor, he had the results from the test and I am pregnant. I want to be excited, I want to run and share this news with Zayaan but how. He still doesn't remember who I am. He knows me as his doctor.

I went up to Zayaan's room, he was busy getting ready to leave, Jameel was picking him up. I looked at him and smiled, he didn't notice I was standing by the door, this was probably the last time I would be seeing him. I stood there just admiring him.

"Ready to leave I see."

"Yeah I guess we all have to leave this place one day.  It's such a coincidence that we both leaving this place on the same day."

"So where to now?"

"Home I guess, have to get back to work and you."

"I'm not sure, something has come up and I… nevermind I don't want to bother you with my life story."

"Well I got time till I get discharged we can chat until then. Tell me what is bothering you."

"Well my husband was in an accident,  he loss his memory and he doesn't remember me and well, I just found out that I'm pregnant."

"Wow congratulations and I'm so sorry about your husband. I hope he recovers soon, he will be missing special moments with his wife."

"I don't think he will ever remember," I say as tears roll out.

"Hey don't say that, I'm sure he will remember you. I don't think anyone can forget such a beautiful person."


"You never told me before that you married and I went on flirting with you, trying my luck."

"I usually don't discuss my life."

"Are you still moving? I would love to still keep in contact with you."

"I don't know, my inlaws are here and they probably want to be part of their grandchilds life."

"Well you have my number and I have yours, we can chat and if you still around maybe we can meet up sometime."

"That would be nice but I must warn you my husband is very protective over me."

"I think any guy would be, you really gorgeous and you such a beautiful human being. I'm sorry if I've ever hurt you."

"Don't be silly."

Zayaan walked up to me slowly as if trying to decide on something. I watched him as he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me. It was happening and I didn't know how to respond to that. I awkwardly placed my arms around him, knowing that if I didn't he might stop hugging me. It was a lot more awkward than I could have ever imagined it, but I liked it.

We were interupted by Raeesa and Jameel, they were here to fetch Zayaan. I said my goodbyes and left, I got into my car and I burst out crying. Why am I being put through all this, was it not enough that my husband doesn't know who I am?

I got home and went up to my room, I closed the curtains and locked the door. I wanted to lay in bed for a while with no disturbances. Ammi told everyone not to disturb me, I would come out when I was ready.

I sat on my bed, holding my knees, my mind seemed so blank, I expected to have many thoughts going through my mind but there I sat with nothing. I felt so emotionless, like I was just a living corpse.

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