Chapter 119

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It's six weeks since Zayana's kidnapping and today I'm just as afraid as when she got kidnapped. I don't leave her alone with anyone and I make sure I never leave the house alone.

It took me a while to adjust again because I didn't trust myself with her, Zayaan stayed at home for a couple of weeks just to make me feel comfortable.

Abba is clearly really upset with Fawaaz bhai and I can understand his feelings but our family is not the same, Everyone has changed.

I know Ammi has been keeping herself busy so she doesn't have to think about Fawaaz bhai. Zafu and Fawaaz bhai did things together and Zafu doesn't do them anymore.

Zuhair bhai and bhabhi also pretend like everything is okay but Zuhair bhai has been arguing with bhabhi because he blames himself.

Zayaan and I have been here for just a week but we can sense the tension between everyone. It's become as if everyone is walking on egg shells.

We so afraid to say anything because someone might take offence. Zayaan and I spent most of our time by Papa and when we were home we stayed in the room.

Suhail bhai's wedding went off quite well considering the fact that there were alot of fussy people. It's strange how people expect the world from the brides and grooms family.

The walimah also went off really well, Suhail bhai and Shabnam Bhabhi left after the walimah for their honeymoon.

Zayaan and I decided not to stay after the walimah as we were disturbed by the way my family had become and it had become difficult for us.

We went on a two week vacation to see Stephan and his grandmother. They were really excited to see us and Zayana as well.

Stephan has grown so much and has excelled in both school and soccer. Most of our days went spending time with them and the staff of the resort who had become our friends on our last visit.

We were never alone for any meal and this time we tried new places. It was just as amazing as our honeymoon trip. 

Stephan and his grandmother fell inlove with Zayana and said the time they spend with her is just not enough.

She seemed to enjoy their company too and that of the resort staff as well. She enjoyed all the attention and got spoilt being in everyone's hand.

Our last day on vacation was spent on the beachfront with all our friends. It was the most amazing day of our trip.

The last few days we've been getting back to routine, a long break away from home and routine, spoils a person and just when we began to go back to routine Jameel and Laila planned a trip for the weekend.

They've been nagging us for a while now and we've turned them down many time. Since Zayaan was off for a few more days and it was unavoidable we decided to go along with them.

It was an amazing and relaxing weekend, all we did was relax and eat. The scenery from our room was amazing.

Although the weekend outing was amazing, I was grateful to be home and have my own bed to sleep on. There's nothing better than sleeping on your own bed and placing your head on your own comfy pillow.

Zayana was knocked out for most of the day so Zayaan and I spent the day relaxing and catching up with friends on social media.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door, it was Tasneem and Shiraz. It's the first time we seeing them after we returned when Zayana got kidnapped.

There's always been something up and we never got to meet them. They heard we back from our holiday and decided to stop by.

Tasneem handed me papers for readmission, I wasn't 100% sure but Zayaan felt it was a good idea.

I'm still a bit shaken after the kidnapping and don't leave Zayana alone but he has promised to help to make it easier on me.

Ammi and Zuhair bhai advised me to go ahead and study further. It's never to late to start and it always comes in hand in the future.

We sat and spoke about our lives and our holiday and they filled us in on all the juicy news about our friends.

Once they left I made Zayana sleep and then Zayaan and I jumped into bed. He watched tv while I contemplated filling in the readmission form.

I didn't want to delay but I also didn't want to rush myself into something I wasn't ready for. After much thought I took the first step and decided to fill in the form.

Whether I was going to hand it in was another thing. Zayaan didn't want to be too pushy so he didn't force me into anything.

In the morning I was still very unsure about what I wanted and with that mind I went to campus to gain some inspiration.

I got there and it felt like I needed to be there so I handed in my readmission papers and made all the necessary payments.

I had this guilty feeling ever since and when I got home and saw how Zayaan was managing with Zayana all that guilt disappeared.

It somehow felt like I was making the right decision, taking a step in the right direction. I prayed to never see a day where I regret taking this decision.

Ammi was happy when I gave her the news, she always wanted me to follow my dreams. I think she felt a little disappointed when I decided to quit, she never said it though.

I hoped for some good news from home, well one in particular but Ammi never mentioned Fawaaz bhai and I never dared to either.

Before she would speak about everyone and fill me in but this time it was different, she didn't mention anyone until I asked about them.

She told me very little like she had almost nothing to say, somewhat like she was unaware of how they were doing or what was happening in their lives.

She spoke the most about Nanu, maybe because she knew everything that happened in his life. From his routine to his doctor visits and new medication.

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