Chapter 113

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A few days went by and I couldn't stop thinking about Raeesa. Zayaan and I became distant because of this and it hurt me to see him avoiding me and it hurt him knowing that I couldn't share my problem with him.

I decided to put an end to this and invited Raeesa for breakfast at a restaurant. I was surprised at how polite she was and that she accepted.

I don't know if it's the right thing to do but not putting an end to this is causing me to harm my marriage.

I was really nervous, Zayaan left to work, it was his first day back at work. He left without saying anything to me and I was hoping that by tonight we could sort out our problems.

I got ready and dropped Zayana off at Laila's, I decided to ask Laila to watch over Zayana while I was out, I didn't intend to be long but I made sure that Zayana was fed, changed and asleep before I left.

Raeesa was already seated when I got to the restaurant, I took a seat and then we placed our order. She looked more nervous than I felt.

I didn't know where to start but I had to somehow muster the courage and say something. I needed to get this over with and move on.

"Raeesa first I would like to apologise for my friends, I know what they did was wrong, they were just looking out for me and I guess got blinded by our friendship."

"So you knew what they were up to?"

"No I didn't, I found out a few days ago and ever since it has been bothering me. I gave it some thought and knew I had to meet you and apologise."

"Look I'm not here to look for some kind of friendship with you if that's why you apologising."

"Neither am I looking to be friends with you, for me my husbands happiness means the world and he's happy when you away from him."

"Wow Zayaan was right, you always speak your mind and get straight to the point. He always said you honest."

"That's how I am, I don't like beating around the bush."

"Well thanks for the apology but I don't really care, I was only using Aadil and at the end it worked out because he was also just using me."

"I'm glad you not affected by this. I was worried that he had hurt you and I don't like that people must be hurt because of me."

"Oh darling I'm not that weak, I survived a divorce from the man I love."

"I'm glad. Anyways I got to go."

"Just two last questions before you go."

"Yeah sure."

"Does Zayaan know you here and where you afraid of me meeting your baby that you didn't bring her with?"

"My husband knows about everything I do and no I was not afraid, I just didn't see a reason to bring her along. Anyways I hope you enjoy your meal, the bill is already taken care of so don't stress."

I couldn't believe she was so arrogant, although Zayaan doesn't know I met with her but I felt it was non of her business.

I fetched Zayana from Laila and went to Zayaan's office. I somehow got a feeling that Raeesa wanted to know if he knew about our meeting so she could cause trouble.

I had to tell him everything before it caused a misunderstanding. He was happy to see us but also a bit confused since we haven't really been on speaking terms for the past few days.

I told him what was bothering me and in detail about my meeting with Raeesa. He was proud because of the person I am but he was upset at the way she treated me.

"It's not worth your good heart doll, she is never going to change. I'm sorry you had to go through all that."

"It's okay babes, I know I tried and my intentions were honest. If she wanted to act horrible it's on her. I'm glad I didn't take Zayana with."

"Me too, I don't want her near my princess and please from now on don't hide things from me and stay away from her."

"I'm sorry babes, I promise not to hide from you and I will stay away from her."

I felt so much better knowing that I told the truth and that Zayaan and I sorted out our differences.

Not long after I got home so did Zayaan, he decided to leave the office early. I don't know if he was afraid but he said he didn't want to leave us alone.

It's fascinating how in a few minutes we forget mistakes of our loved ones and everything is back to normal.

Just as we were about to order dinner Tasneem and Shiraz showed up. They were here to invite us to their wedding this weekend.

Time has flown by so quickly, I remember it like it was just yesterday they were getting engaged. I have so many good memories with them.

"So madam set her wedding date and I didn't even know about it and worst of all its this weekend. I wasn't even involved in the arrangements."

"I'm sorry Amu, it all happened so fast. Your friend here decided that he doesn't want to wait and as soon as you back he wanted us to get married. I still pulled it till next week."

"Aww Shiraz I'm flattered that you thought about me."

"How could I not, if it's wasn't for you, we would never be together."

"So what can we do? Like what's left to do? I'm from both sides so I'm sure that there is work left."

"Well we came to ask the two of you a favour, usually a father walks in with his daughter and the grooms mother walks him in but we want to do things a little different."

"What you mean?"

"My dad wants Aadil to walk me in so he will walk me half way and then we want you and Zayaan to walk me to Shiraz and kind off hand me over to him, it's will symbolise how you brought us together."

"But I didn't have anything to do with any of this, it was all Amu," Zayaan said.

"We know but we want you to also be apart of it. Don't worry Zayana will be taken care of while you walking me down."

"It's okay if you guys need time to think about it,"Shiraz added.

"We accept, I don't think I could turn down such a thoughtful gesture."

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