Chapter 72

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Our flight was at 8am, Zuhair bhai, bhabhi and Tabassum were here early this morning to take us to the airport. Bhabhi made breakfast for us while Zayaan and I got ready. It was way too early for me to have anything besides a cup of coffee.

Soon it was time for us to board the flight and say our goodbyes. It was only for a week but I felt like I was leaving my family behind. I hope Zuhair bhai and bhabhi will be okay for this week at my inlaws.

We reached after a long eighteen hour long flight, we were exhausted when we got to the hotel. We freshened up, grabbed a quick snack and went straight to bed.

The gleam of light shone in through the gaps of the curtains waking me up. I looked at my phone and saw that we had missed fajr Salaah, I was really disappointed.

I woke Zayaan and we got ready to paint the town. The hotel staff suggested a few places to check out as well as places to eat at. We didn't have a proper meal since yesterday so I wanted a good breakfast.

We found a small restaurant down the road from the hotel that the hotel staff said served the best breakfast dishes. It was a beautiful cozy place, the decor and the deck was lovely.

You could chose to have breakfast inside or on the outside deck which was made at the back of the restaurant to overlook the beach, which was amazing.

We ordered our food and then sat and decided what we wanted to do for the day. We took a few brochures which we found at the hotel. Zayaan saw a strawberry farm we could visit but we had to take a helicopter to get to the farm on another island.

Zayaan called them and booked a trip for us an hour after breakfast. Which gave us enough time to digest breakfast and keep space for strawberries.

We went back to the hotel and got a few things we would need to take with us and off we were. I am afraid of heights so the helicopter ride was scary for me. I held tightly onto Zayaan and he kept assuring me that I would be safe.

When we got to the strawberry farm we were taken for a tour of the farm. They had so many things going on. We decided to pick strawberries before the sun got to hot for us to handle and then try out the other things.

We practically spent the whole day there, we had to be done by 6pm because after that no helicopter comes in or goes out. So we picked strawberries and then fed the animals, once we were done we had lunch at the seafood restaurant.

Then there was a theatrical play put on by the farmer and his family which we really enjoyed. Afterwards refreshments were served and then we headed back to the hotel.

We were in desperate need of a shower and clean clothes. We relaxed in the room until dinner time. I didn't want us to get too excited and try everything and then be exhausted at the end of our trip.

Zayaan was lazy to go out for dinner so we ordered dinner to be brought to our room. With all the strawberries and goodies we ate today I couldn't think of having dinner.

I was a little worried about my inlaws and Zuhair bhai and bhabhi so we decided to skype with them so we could hear and see that they were all good. Zuhair bhai hired two guards from the same company we use for the hotels.

We sat the rest of the night on the balcony admiring the stars and the moonlight hitting the water on the beach. I could spend the rest of our honeymoon right here on the beach, I really enjoy it, I find it so relaxing.

I woke up to the sound of thunder, I got up and looked out of the window, it was pouring. I looked at the clock, it was 4am, almost time for fajr, I sat up in bed browsing Facebook, waiting for time to go by.

I woke Zayaan, we made wudhu and prayed our Salaah. It was a special feeling praying with your spouse, it brought so much content to my heart. Zayaan was just like me very strict on his namaaz and reading the Quraan, just like me he also starts his day with opening the Quraan.

We got ready and then sat with each other until it was breakfast time, I didn't want to eat too much today because we decided to visit the market not so far away.

Here you get market stalls up every few streets, they have different names and are known for different specialities. Like the one on the beach have some lovely souvenirs that you won't find at any of the other stalls.

At the coast where Nani and Nanu are the market stalls all have the same things the one at the beach and the ones at the farmers market. I usually go to the beach because it's closer but the farmers market is always cheaper.

As we walked through the market we came across some lovely people with amazing stories. One old lady told us about a bridge at the market few streets away, it's believed that if you tie a ribbon on the bridge wall, it protects your love.

We don't really believe in such things but for fun Zayaan and I decided to check it out. She sent her 9 year old grandson with us so we wouldn't get lost, he helped her after school and during school holidays.

His parent's died when he was 2 years old and she has been looking after him ever since. They have been selling table cloths for many years, her son use to stand in the stall before he passed away.

Zayaan and I bought some stationery and clothing for the little boy, at first his granny refused to take them but we also stood firm and made sure she took them. She gifted us a table cloth which she said was very special to her, her daughter-in-law had sewn it.

This little boy took my heart away, he was really adorable. He had such good manners and he asked questions that amazed me. He was so interested in life of others. His love for soccer intrigued Zayaan.

We sent him back to his granny and continued our shopping. For us women shopping never ends, there were so many eye catching things to buy and I wanted to take them all but I didn't want to waste money and not have use for what I was buying.

As they day came to an end we ended up back by the old lady and her grandson, they were busy packing up and getting to leave for the day. Zayaan bought a full soccer kit for the little boy. It seemed so little and we wanted to do more for them.

All that walking tired us but we had to try this pizza place one of the hotel staff told us about. They have this huge slices that you will end up only buying one or two slices but they have the best pizzas, he recommended a few we should try.

The people are so friendly here, you feel like they are your friends and not strangers. From the hotel staff right to the people we met on the street. It's by far the best place I've been to.

We left all our parcels in the room and freshened up before we took to the streets of this beautiful city. Zayaan suggested we have dinner and then go to the ice cream place we saw few streets away.

It was so convenient, everything was so close by and you didn't have to sit in traffic, we walked everywhere we needed to go. The pizzas were definitely amazing, I could literally lick my fingers.

Before we got back to the hotel we took a horse drawn carriage around the wonderful streets and back to the hotel, it was amazingly romantic, the weather was perfect as well. It's strange because it was pouring this morning and tonight was just a bit chilly but not too cold.


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