Chapter 43

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I hear the alarm blaring, waking me up from a deep sleep. I jump out of bed and take a quick shower. Zuhair bhai booked us on a tour at a national park. As I opened the room door I heard a noise, I looked down and saw Zayaan on the floor.

"What you doing on the floor?" I ask confusedly.

"I came to speak to you when I got back but your door was locked."

"What do you want to speak about?"

"Why were you messaging me last night? I don't need a bodyguard or a spy. What were you trying to prove? That you own me? That you can rule me?"

"What! Are you crazy? I don't care where you were last night and I'm not trying to prove anything. It's your choice how you want to portray yourself. I only messaged you because your Ammi was upset, but she was right, you don't care."

"Please don't tell me how to treat my Ammi and that I don't care for her. You know nothing."

"Maybe I know nothing but I know that your parents were embarrassed infront of my parent's because of you. I thought you were, this respectful, kind person but the truth is you something else. I don't know why I'm wasting my time talking to you."

I went downstairs for breakfast, everyone was already at the table eating. I didn't want to stay with the Malik's anymore, one day was enough and was very unpleasant. Before I sat down I told my parent's that I would be moving to the hotel.

"But why beta?" my Ammi asks concernedly.

"Ammi I don't have an answer for you, I just don't want to stay here."

"Amaani did something happen? Someone say something to you?" Aunty Hasina asked.

"No Aunty Hasina. I just don't feel like staying here."

"I will arrange for your things to be taken to the hotel Amu," Zuhair bhai says gingerly.

"Amaani please don't leave. I can't allow you to go to a hotel. I'm going to speak to Zayaan, I'm sure he said something."

"Please Aunty Hasina don't do that. It will be a waste of your time. Zayaan doesn't care about anyone but himself so it will make no difference to him."

Being witness to all that has been happening, my parent's are still quiet. If I had to see my daughters future husband behaving like Zayaan, putting my daughter through so much pain and just the fact that he wants her to accept his nephew as her own child would make me go crazy.

I can't understand why are my parent's being quiet about it. Is this business deal worth more than my happiness? Is that all they care about? How can Uncle Gulaam marry his son to someone when he can see his son ruining a girls life?

After breakfast we left to the national park, the Malik's joined us including Zayaan, which was surprising to me. I can't believe he still had the nerve to come infront of my parent's. 

When we got to the national park, I sat with my siblings in one car and let Zayaan sit with the parents and my grandparents. My brother's are furious at Zayaan so they didn't want to sit with him.

The tour was alot of fun, it was amazing to see the animals so close up and get to learn about their habits. The tour included lunch so we were taken to the picnic spot and served lunch.

I could see Zayaan was angry, I didn't bother to speak to him, in a way he is responsible for spoiling the first day of my holiday but I wasn't going to let him spoil the rest of my stay.

I really can't understand him, it's like he has a split personality, one minute he is nice with me and the next he is angry at me. If I really think about it, it's like a pattern, when he needs something then he is nice to me but when he doesn't then he is rude to me.

After the tour, I asked Zuhair bhai to drop me off at the hotel, I wanted to rest before supper. Zayaan was confused about me staying at the hotel. On our way to the hotel Zuhair bhai informed me that our whole family is staying at the hotel.

I am glad my family is doing something for me, although I would have liked them to take a bigger step nonetheless I'm grateful they thought about me. I just want a peaceful holiday and staying at the hotel will give me that peace.

When we got to the hotel Zayaan asked to speak to me in private. Although I thought that there was nothing left to say to each other, especially after he accused me of trying to rule his life, we went up to the room I am staying in...

"What more do you have to say?"

"Why have you guys moved here? Did something happen?"

"Are you serious? You, asking me this? You must be blind or maybe you pretending to not know what happened. Did something happen."

"Doll please don't do this, I really don't know what happened. Tell me nicely, don't be sarcastic."

"Oh so you understand I'm being sarcastic but can't understand what you did."

"I did? What did I do?"

"Zayaan just leave it. If you can't see for yourself what you did then there's no use me trying to explain it."

"Don't say that. Tell me what happened so I can know where I went wrong."

"You want to know what went wrong, then listen. You were rude to me this morning and you said some harsh things without thinking, besides that you insulted my family. I'm not saying because you took us to your house that you should have been there all the time but at least inform my parent's. I'm not going to waste my time giving you explanations and reasons, you intelligent enough to realise your mistakes."

"Amaani, I'm…."

"And one more thing please leave us alone for the rest of our holiday, I want a peaceful holiday here. I've seen who you really are so thank you for showing me who I'm marrying. Don't worry I won't call off this wedding but I will stick to my plan and now I know never to ease on my rules, they will stay how they were first. Also your Ammi and Abba want you to stay with them but you never told me this, it's up to you where you want to stay after we get married but I will be staying with your family in one house."

"That's not fair, I made one mistake and you punishing me so severely. You don't know why I want to move out of my parent's place. My Abba will never let me live on my own terms, he rules us all. I'm tired of being ruled, I want some freedom."

"Your Abba rules you? You must be joking, I witnessed how much he rules you. If only you could see the disappointment he had on his face and the tears in his eyes, would you realise what he felt when he had to give answers to my family. You are selfish and only care about yourself. Your Ammi hides all your bad habits and deeds from your Abba. She knew you were with friends but she told him you at work. He knew the truth though."

"Amaani I'm sorry…"

"Zayaan I've heard enough of your sorry's! Please save them for someone who cares. That's one word you know is sorry and then two seconds later you forget you ask for maaf and go back to your old ways. I'm tired so please leave me alone."

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