Chapter 19

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I sprung out of bed this morning, instead of doing the usual bathroom ritual and getting dressed, I sat by my window and took time to reminisce everything that happened during the last few weeks, what happened over the weekend and what will be happening this weekend.

Today is Thursday, Zayaan and his family will be arriving in a few hours which makes me nervous just thinking about it. I also have my last dress fitting, the lady who puts mendhi will also be coming later today.

I have decided to accept my faith and stop thinking negative, this marriage is what my parent's want and what the Almighty has planned for me. I get ready and go down for breakfast, everyone has already eaten so I make myself a toasted sandwich.

My Ammi is overjoyed, she can't wait until the Malik's arrive, my Abba doesn't say much but I know he is happy as well, it's what he wants and by me agreeing to their decision has made them happy.

"Amu, you ready for today? Your inlaws will be arriving in half and hour Zuhair has already left to fetch them at the airport," Ammi smiles.

"Jee Ammi."

Bhabhi is busy in the kitchen and hears Ammi and I talking, she starts chunking, I have only seen bhabhi cry once and that was her wedding day. I look at her thinking that maybe she had an argument with Zuhair bhai and it was probably bad this time. She walks up to me and give me a hug.

"Ammi our Amu is gone so big, I can't believe she is getting engaged."

I laugh, give her a hug and continue laughing. I myself can't believe I'm getting engaged but more hysterical is bhabhi crying because I'm getting engaged. 

The door opens, I turn to see who it is, I see Zuhair bhai standing in the passage. Surprisingly I'm not nervous at all, we greet the Malik's, Uncle Gulaam and Aunty Hasina follow my Ammi to the lounge. Zayaan and Tabassum take a seat in the kitchen, Zayaan is all smiles, he hasn't taken his eye of me and I'm just ignoring him.

"Zuhair bhai, what have you done to bhabhi, she is crying her eyes out here?" I smirk.

"I didn't do anything," he looks at me worriedly. "What's wrong jaan?"he asks her gingerly.

"Amu get loss, I'm glad you leaving soon," she grins.

"Yeah that's why you crying buckets for me."

"Jaan is that why you crying?Amu is not leaving now we still stuck with her for a few months, maybe we can talk Zayaan into taking her earlier."

"Yeah yeah, you two are going to miss me the most, no one to cover for you guys on date night… I'm going to tell Abba where you go every friday night," I smirk.

Bhabhi sends me to call Fawaaz, Zafar and Armaan. I look at Zayaan when bhabhi mentions Armaan, he looks at me angrily, I ignore him and go get the guys.

Since Zayaan arrived I haven't been alone with him and I thank my lucky stars for that, the further we are the better. I know he is itching to be alone with me but I make sure I'm never alone and I don't think about going to my room.

I had a great idea to stay away from Zayaan even at lunch, bhabhi announced that lunch is being served so I help her in the kitchen to dish the food and then at the table I make Armaan sit next to Zayaan and I dish for them.

Bhabhi and I ate last when everyone else is done, Zayaan was annoyed at the table but I didn't bother.
After lunch the designer arrived with my dress, I had to fit it on to see if they needed to do any last minute touches.

I take them up to my room, bhabhi comes with me to see if it looks right, the dress is perfect and I love it, it's the first time bhabhi saw the dress and she also loved it. After we were done bhabhi showed the ladies out and I changed and put away the dress.

I came out of the bathroom and heard someone knock on the door. To no surprise it's Zayaan, he just couldn't control himself.

"We need to talk," he says sternly.

This makes me worried, why is he being so strict, it sounds serious. I prepare myself for the worst and calm down and seriously listen to what he has to say.

"Okay, we can talk, anything serious?"

"I need you to think calmly and not react with anger, this might upset you but I feel you should hear this from me and not anyone else."

He looks at me and then instructs me to have a seat, I'm worried but I think to myself that this might just turn out to be good for me, maybe he decided he doesn't want to get married. We take a seat on the bed and he turns to face me.

"There's this girl, she contacted me the day we left here. I have been chatting to her all this time, we haven't spoken over the phone as yet. I don't know why I continued chatting to her, I guess my nafs got the better of me. I told her this morning that I can't speak to her anymore. I'm sorry, I know this is hurting you and all I can say is sorry."

I sat there shocked, this guy came to my house with the intention of getting married to me, my parent's welcomed his family into our home, he spent the weekend with us, he held my hand, I began to trust him. He came back with the intention of getting engaged and here he is telling me he is chatting with another woman.

I stood up and looked at him with disappointment, here I was sacrificing my love and my chance to be with the one I love for someone who is chatting up other women.

I walked to my room window, I don't know why but tears rolled down my cheeks, I couldn't believe I was crying over him being with another woman. I am not even interested in him so why is it bothering me.

I ask him to leave the room, he walks towards me but I turn around and stop him. I feel so betrayed, just this morning I decided to accept that Zayaan is the one I am getting married to and I accepted him as my life partner. He refuses to leave the room.

"Zayaan can you please leave, I need some time to think."

He eventually leaves the room, I message Zuhair bhai to come to my room and to come alone.

"What's wrong Amu?"

"Bhai we got a problem, Zayaan told me now that he has been chatting to another woman for the past week, he ended it this morning but I feel hurt and betrayed and I don't want to get married to him. If he did it this once he will do it again."

Zuhair bhai calls Zayaan to my room to hear what he has to say. I wanted to leave the room, I didn't want to see him. I didn't even contact Aahil these few days and here Mr is having fun with another woman.

"Come in and have a seat," Zuhair bhai authoritively  instructs Zayaan. "Amaani told me what you've been up to these past few days and to say the least I'm disappointed. I don't think I can let my sister get married to you. I am going to have to speak to my parent's and call off this engagement."

"Zuhair bhai, yes what Amaani told you is true but please do not call off this engagement. I know I made a mistake, I have already ended it, I am no more speaking to her. If I wanted I could have just kept quiet but I didn't because I really care for Amaani."

"If you cared you wouldn't have hurt me. I gave up a lot to agree to this marriage," I chide.

"I don't know what else to say, I said I'm sorry and I stopped speaking to her."

"And you think that's enough?"

Fawaaz bhai heard the arguing when he walked pass my room so he came in to see what was happening. Zuhair bhai told him everything, he was furious, he didn't say anything to Zayaan, he grabbed my hand and took me downstairs to the living room where our parent's were.

We stormed into the room, Zuhair and Zayaan walked in a few minutes after, my Abba looked up at Fawaaz and asked what was wrong.

"Abba this wedding can't take place, Amu will not get married to Zayaan. Zuhair and I will not allow it to happen."

"Fawaaz what are you saying? lower your tone and behave."

"Abba Fawaaz is right. You need to know the truth. Zayaan has been speaking to another woman these past few days. He has no interest in Amu and I will not let him ruin her life."

My brother's were firm and took me back upstairs, Zuhair instructed me to sleep in their room for the night and he would sleep in my room. He didn't want Zayaan anywhere near me. They refused to speak to my parent's until they called off the engagement. 

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