Chapter 102

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It's been a while since I've laughed so much,  Tabassum really knows how to cheer me up. Last night was amazing, being in her company makes you forget about all your problems.

Zayaan walked through the door while we were making pancakes for breakfast this morning. He looked like he hadn't slept last night.

I didn't dare to ask him what was wrong, not infront of Tabassum. I knew he would have reacted and Tabassum would get to know that something was wrong between us.

We can't go on like this, if this is how it's going to be then I might as well go back to my parents. He is punishing me for something I didn't say or do.

After breakfast the driver was here to fetch Tabassum, she didn't want to leave but Abba insisted she returns home.

I decided that instead of waiting for Zayaan to speak to me, I would make the first move. I need to tell him about Aadil and Raeesa. I know they not together but maybe we can get them together. 

Aadil does like her, she just needs to adjust her life and ways a little for him. We all adjust after marriage, I mean we no longer responsible for ourselves but for another person as well.

"I know you upset and don't want to speak to me but I have some news for you which might be good for us."

"Nothing can make me feel better right now besides you saying that you not leaving."

"Well hear me out and then decide."

"Okay, what do you have to say?"

"Aadil and Raeesa have been speaking for a couple weeks now and he likes her. He hasn't told her as yet and I don't think he will ever unless we convince him."

"Why doesn't he want to tell her?"

"Because he warned her not to put forward the conditions for divorce that she did."

"Was she not just using him because that is all she is good for."

"I don't know, all I know is he likes her."

"Let me see what I can do, you haven't told me when you leaving."

"So you want me to leave."

"Amaani I love you and only you, I've only wanted to be with one person and that's you, I don't know what more I have to do for you to believe that I want you by my side, living in this house, but if you chose to leave there's nothing I can do."

"So you won't stop me?"

"Not if you chose to leave, I won't force you to stay if you not happy."

"I don't want to leave but I also can't handle your disappearing acts, your temper and most of all your harsh words and silent treatments."

"I'm really sorry doll, I don't know what gets into me. I know I haven't been easy to live with but I promise I will not behave that way anymore, I also won't disappear again. I'm sorry I hurt you."

"I just want our normal life back, the life we had with no complications. If she wants everything just give it to her, we will work together and get everything again to secure our future."

"I also want our old life back, I'm tired and frustrated by this daily drama. I missed so much time with you and my family, I couldn't even come home to spend time with my sister last night."

I wanted to ask where he was but I was afraid of his answer. I know I told him to be fair to both of us but I can't handle the truth.

Yes I've been ignoring the truth so that I don't hurt myself. He looked at me knowing and figured from my questioning look that I was wondering where he was.

"I wasn't with her last night, I haven't spent any time by her since I've moved here. I have been going to the office and sleep there until fajr then I come here."

"Why? Why can't you sleep here? Is it because I am here? Have I become unbearable to live with?"

"It's nothing like that, I hate to hurt you and I know if I'm around you, I'm hurting you."

"When you disappear it hurts me."

"I'm sorry, I won't sleep out anymore. I love you alot."

"I love you too babes."

"You haven't told me yet what you have decided."

"I'm not going anywhere if you not going with me."

I'm delighted that we managed to get pass our little misunderstanding this time. I'm hoping it doesn't happen again but it's a tall order.

Zayaan decides that he will invite Aadil over for a meal and then speak to him about Raeesa. He also feels that if she finds someone who can show her the right part she will change.

My day couldn't have gotten any better, after a long time I got a call from Stephan and his grandmother. The school master allowed them to call us from his phone.

Stephan is going to be competing in a soccer tornament all thanks to the school master. His grandmother hasn't been very well so she had to stop selling at the market.

I have promised to send them extra money to make sure she is taken care off, they refused to accept anymore from us but I made arrangements with the school master to take care of them.

It's Stephan's birthday in a few weeks and the school master has told us that he has arranged for a small party with the soccer team.

I'm so glad that he is doing well and excelling in what he is best at. Zayaan was also really excited to hear from them. For the rest of the day we spoke about them and our time on our honeymoon.

It felt so good, like it was a reminder to us of our love and why we are together. We laughed at the things Stephan told us when we were there and at his cuteness.


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