Chapter 116

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I woke up this morning feeling positive, I called Papa and made lunch plans with them. I asked them not to tell anyone I called, I didn't want to have to answer my family about my disappearance.

My phone beeped nonstop messages from my family and my dearest husband. Suddenly everyone cared and wanted to know where I disappeared to.

Zayana was awake and we had nothing to do until lunch so I decided to spend some time by the pool and relax.

Sitting there in the hot sun I fell asleep and when I woke up I looked at my watch and it was only 5 minutes that I had closed my eyes for.

In those 5 minutes my child went missing, I knew something was wrong when my phone was also gone. I took pictures of that lady and Zayana together and she probably didn't want me to have a picture of her.

I ran into the hotel and called for the manager, they had the whole hotel searched, there was no sign of Zayana.

The manager contacted Zuhair bhai and within minutes my family were by my side. How was I going to tell Zayaan I lost our daughter? I know he would freak out.

Zuhair bhai informed me that they had already spoken to Zayaan and he was on his way. I didn't want to leave the hotel incase Zayana was somewhere here but we didn't want to create panic so we had the police force and specialists moved to the house. 

"Amu what we're you thinking? Why did you leave in the first place?" Ammi said furiously.

"Ammi that's not important right now, we need to find Zayana," Zuhair bhai said.

"No it's okay bhai, if Ammi wants answers I will let her know. What was I thinking? Well I came home after such a long time and find that one of my brother's are missing and I'm told not to speak about it and no one will tell me why he left or where he is and to think I came here to get away from all the tension between Zayaan and I. Yes Zayaan and I are having problems, he also brushes the truth away but not like you guys bt sternly telling me not to get involved but by bribing me. That's my reason for leaving here because it is no different to the tension I had in my own house," I said what I had to and left to my room.

I sat on my bed crying and praying that we find my baby soon. I didn't know what I was going to say to Zayaan if he got here and she wasn't found as yet. How was I going to face him!

The police were working hard at trying to find the kidnappers and Zayana but we were getting no where. They kept asking these questions some which I had no answers to.

The woman wasn't even in my presence for too long. Yes I dozed off and probably because I was too tired. They were worried that I might have been drugged just for a few minutes so that they could have enough time to take Zayana.

A pathologist was called in to test my blood and see if I was drugged, a sketch artist was called and I described what I could remember of the woman.

They tried to get camera footage but this lady was too smart she didn't show her face in any of the cameras, she knew her way around the hotel. 

A few hours went by and there was still no news of Zayana or the kidnappers. Every noise started to freak me out, I went into panic mode and paced around the room trying to figure things out.

I heard Zayaan's voice downstairs but I couldn't master the courage to face him so I stayed in my room.

I heard footsteps coming up the staircase, like someone was running up. My room door flung open and there stood Zayaan, his bag on his shoulder and worry on his face.

He dropped his bag and embraced me in his warm arms. I sobbed my heart out and begged Zayaan to forgive me for losing our baby.

"Doll calm down, we will find our princess, it's not your fault," He said calmly and reassuringly.

"It is my fault, how could I leave her with a stranger, how could I doze off, we will find her right, we have to find her, Zayaan I can't live without her," I said between sobs.

Zayaan went to speak to the detective to try and get some ideas on who was doing this and why. They questioned Zayaan to learn more about his job and our lifestyle so they could maybe find clues in there.

Bhabhi had Zayaan bring me dinner since I had refused to eat the whole day. How could I eat when my child might not be even be taken cared of.

"Babes please take that away, I don't want anything."

"Amu you haven't eaten the whole day so stop being stubborn and eat."

"So now you going to tell me what to do, all this wouldn't happen if you and my family treated me properly. I would never have left you or here."

"Not again, we not going to argue at a time like this."

"Why not? Because you said so. I'm tired, I'm tired of everyone hiding things from me, all I want is to be told the truth."

"Excuse me Mr Malik," A voice said from behind me. It was detective Sam.

"Yes detective, tell me you have something for us."

"Well your wife was drugged not a very heavy dose, it was just enough to allow the kidnapper to disappear."

"Amu how could you drink something from a stranger?"

"Really Zayaan! She was dressed as one of the staff members and I had ordered that drink so I thought it came from the hotel."

"Carelessness, your carelessness has got us here."

"What happened to it's not my fault?"

"I don't mean to interupt but Mr Malik this could have happened to anyone even yourself, this person is an expert," Detective Sam said confidently.

"No he's right it is my fault, how could I be so stupid."

"Mrs Malik it's not your fault please do not blame yourself, we don't know why they took your baby but I promise you whoever did is going to suffer."

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