Chapter 12

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I slipped into the car and told the driver we could leave, I looked out of the window and watched all my dreams go pass me. I could have been a part of this lovely family, I came so close to being Mrs Aahil Hamidi and having my dream but I guess we get what is destined for us.

We arrive at my grandparents, I haven't informed my parent's that I will be coming over, so when I entered the house they were shocked. My Ammi got up from her seat and marched towards me, she gave me a huge hug and asked me to join them for breakfast. I don't feel like eating so I excuse myself and go to my room.

I close the door and sit on the bed looking out at the ocean, instead of the ocean calming me I felt like it was pulling me in. I couldn't stop thinking about Aahil, I wondered what he would do when he got my letter, how would he react. I did tell Fawaaz bhai to message me when Aahil gets the letter. My Ammi knocks on the door. I wipe the tears from my cheeks.

"Come in Ammi, we got alot of planning so I thought I would come stay here and we could start shopping."

"Amu we can shop once we get back. Are you okay?"

"Jee Ammi, why wouldn't I be, I got the best parent's in the world and such a lovely family. I'm sure my inlaws are also good people."

She leaves me in the room and runs out with tears rolling down her cheeks. I didn't go after her, seeing her in tears made me cry. I spent the rest of my day in the room, it was already dinner time and my parents would be leaving soon for the mendhi function at the Hamidi's. My Ammi checks one last time if I want to go with but I remember my promise to Aahil.

Fawaaz messaged me earlier to let me know that Aahil had received my letter and has been in a bad mood ever since. I don't want to go there and make him feel worse so I'm glad with my decision.

I haven't eaten the whole day so my nani forces me to have dinner, she dishes out into my plate. I move the food around in my plate not in the mood to put any of it into my mouth, I excuse myself and go back to my room.

I switch on the tv, they playing kuch kuch hota hai on zee tv. I can't handle a sad love story so I switch the tv off. I browse through facebook and all I find myself looking at are photos from the past few days. There's alot of photos of Aahil and I.

Imaan calls me, my parent's got there and she saw I wasn't with them besides I left this morning without informing her.

Imaan: "Apa why did you leave? Did we do something to upset you? Tell me who it was I will sort them out."

Me: "No one did anything Imaan, I needed to be here so my Ammi could attend the functions by you,  my nani and nanu need me."

Imaan: "Promise me you will come to the wedding. I want to see you there."

Me: "I don't think it's such a good idea. You will get to hear soon why. Thanks for the call though. I love you sweety, take care of your family and be patient with Aahil, you probably going to be his target for the next few days. Just know he is going through a though time. Look after him for me please."

I cut the call before she could ask anymore questions and before I started crying on the phone. I got into bed and tried to get some sleep since I haven't slept the night before.

I hear my alarm blaring, I get out of bed, get into the shower and put on my black sweat suit. Ammi called me for breakfast, I got a little food down but still in no mood to be around everyone. My parent's were going to be spending the whole day at the Hamidi's. They wanted me to go with them but I told them about my promise so they didn't force me.

They knew I was hurting so they never forced me to do anything, I decide to go for a walk on the beach, hoping to feel better. I put on my earplugs and briskly run along the beach until I'm so exhausted and out of breath. I go up to the cafe and order some juice.

I sit outside looking out at the ocean, I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around and see Fawaaz, Mubashir, Imaan and Aahil standing behind me. I stood up in shock and turned away once I saw Aahil, tears threatened to come out, I needed to control my emotions.

They sat down at the table and ordered drinks for themselves. Aahil sat opposite me and it killed me to look at him, maybe this affected me more than it did him. I sat there not saying anything, everyone else is talking about the weather, the ocean and then they decide to take a walk on the beach.

We get up and walk towards the beach sand, we walk for a bit and then Fawaaz, Mubashir and Imaan take a few steps back and start walking in the opposite direction, without realising it Aahil and I are left alone.

"So you thought you could just leave? You could have at least said good bye properly."

"I knew you were hurting and I couldn't be selfish and hurt you more, I know being around you will just make it more difficult on you."

Aahil stops and grabs my hand, he turns to face me and I turn to face him. Still holding my hand he looks into my eyes.

"Babes...uhm Amaani I loved you before, I love you today, tomorrow and always too."

The tears just fell out unstoppable. I've become so emotional these past few days. I stood there weak in my knees, my heart beat racing and heartbroken.

"Aahil please don't. I can't handle this heartache, my mind might be telling me that my parent's are doing the right thing and seeing my parent's happy with my decision makes me feel I'm doing the right thing but my heart still yearns to be with you, my heart will never love anyone else but as we know I have to obey my parents."

"Amu how do you think I feel, I only came today because I wanted to have my chance of a farewell,  my last chance to see the one person who means the world to me and who holds a special place in my heart. I also will never love anyone else."

"No Aahil, you have to promise to be good to your future wife, to love her and be there for her. I don't want you to ruin another girls life,  she will be leaving her family and life to be with you. Don't give her a chance to complain,  love her with all your heart and love her unconditionally."

"That's not possible."

He walks away after saying that and meets up with the rest of the guys, I sat on the sand weeping. I keep beating myself up for confessing my love, I should have never told him I love him,  all I have ever done is hurt him and I can't forgive myself for that.

I get up and walked back home, I have Zuhair bhai book me a ticket back home, I need to get far away from here. I pack whatever things I had out of my bag and greet my grandparents,  my nanu arranged for the driver to take me to the airport. I told them to inform my parent's when they got back from the wedding house. 

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