Chapter 18

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I came home last night and went straight to my room,  my Ammi came to see if I was okay but I pretended to be asleep. I knew this morning was going to be all eyes on me... I woke up early got ready and before anyone could wake up I snuck out of the house.

I needed to sort out some paper work for university so I was meeting Uncle Rashid. I made sure he was on the same page as I was and that no one in my family should know we met.

I planned to stay away from my family for the day, I went for breakfast at the beachfront, I placed my order and sat in a corner at the back, the place was not so busy being a Tuesday and most people are at work.

I sat there feeling lonely realising my life sucks, my best friend is not talking to me, I can't be with the guy I love, I'm getting engaged to someone I don't like and don't know.

I really screwed up with certain things this year and I thought school was though, life after school is worse. While I'm having breakfast my Ammi calls to find out where I am, she wants to meet with the designer so we can get my dress in by friday, I'm meeting her at the designer so I don't have to drive back with her in the same car.

I get to the designer and my Ammi is already there waiting, she has already chosen some designs that she thinks would look perfect on me. I however chose something completely different. When we were done I left without saying a word to my Ammi.

We got back home, everyone knew I was upset so they stayed clear of my way. With the engagement just four days away everyone was busy planning. The house was busy with caterers, designers, florist, and family helping out. I didn't want anything to do with the preparations because it all clearly wasn't something I wanted. Zayaan called to see how I was doing.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum sweety. How are you doing today?"

"Walaikum Salaam, I'm good and you?"

"I'm good, missing you though… Have you spoken to your family about the engagement or are we going with what they want?"

"We going with what they want. I didn't want to spend alot of money but I guess our families have different opinions."

"So what you got up to today?"

"Well I went for breakfast after I met with my dad's accountant to sort out things for my studies, I had to get into a uni in your city so I had to finalise some paper work."

"All serious hey but why did you have breakfast alone?"

"I didn't want to be around family and my best friend who I usually do things with is not talking to me. I guess no one wants to be around me right now."

"Oh doll don't say that, I'm dying to be with you. I feel like hopping onto a plane and coming over."

"Don't be crazy, calm down… what did you get up to today?"

"I went to get a suit and then I had to come into the office and finish some work, I got a case tomorrow so preparing for that."

"Oh okay. Let me not disturb you. You don't have to call me all the time I know you busy, we are going to see each other on friday."

"I want to call you and you not disturbing me. Also I will be coming a day earlier."

"Why are you coming a day earlier? I thought your tickets were finalised already."

"You don't want me there a day earlier? I thought we could do something together but if you don't want to then I won't come."

"I just don't feel you need to leave your work a day early to be here."

"Okay, I'll decide maybe I won't come. Anyhow I need to go so we will chat later maybe."

"Okay then chat later."

I want to see less of him and he wants to come a day earlier. I don't think I can handle an extra day of pretence. I go down for lunch, Zuhair bhai is busy inviting all our friends and Fawaaz bhai is doing all the family members.

I hear Zuhair bhai speaking to Uncle Umar and I freak, I told them not to invite their whole family just Uncle Umar and Aunty Ayesha. I hope Aahil doesn't come with them, it will be so heartsore.

For the rest of the day my mind is only on Aahil and whether I should message him and tell him that he doesn't need to come. I give in and message him although my mind tells me otherwise. He reads my message but doesn't reply so I figure I shouldn't have told him anything, he is probably upset.

Fathima finally messages me back, I'm surprised but excited as well. I need her more now than ever. She is the only one who will calm me down and I have so much to tell her. I invite her for coffee, I pick her up and we go to the the coffee shop, I tell her everything that happened in the last few weeks.

"So I got even bigger news for you," I smile.

"What can be bigger then you falling inlove with your childhood friend?"

"I'm getting engaged this saturday and the wedding will be before next year."

"OMG SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! This is alot, Aahil is one lucky guy, so you will start your studies there that's why the wedding so soon?"

"Uhm… I'm not getting married to Aahil," I say as tears roll down my cheeks. "I'm getting married to Zayaan Malik, he is my Abba's business partners son. Well before we could tell my Abba about Aahil and I he had already arranged for my marriage to Zayaan and you know I will never go against my parent's."

"Oh no Amaani, I'm so sorry… I didn't know you were going through all this, I'm the worst friend ever."

We left the coffee shop and went to my house, my Ammi was on the phone with Aunty Hasina, the whole family wants to come by thursday so they won't be exhausted for the engagement and they want to also be here for all the fun apparently.

Fathima stayed for dinner, her mother fetched her afterwards. The house was too rowdy and my headache was only worsening so I went upstairs to my room, I could hear everyone still making noise well past 11pm. I didn't want to even know what all the commotion was about.

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