Chapter 79

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This morning it was awkward for me to be around the gang, they were all ignoring me which made it clear that I wasn't wanted around so I left. I attended my lectures and came home straight after. I didn't bother to ask them what was happening, I figured they would tell me if they wanted to.

I got home and prepared dinner, two hours had passed and I couldn't get hold of Zayaan,  I called his office, his colleagues, his parent's, his friends. No one knew where he was, it freaked me out so much that I couldn't focus on anything.

I didn't know where to look or what to do, I am in this town for just over two months and I don't know my way around as yet. I sat in the lounge near the house phone and with my phone in my hand. Here I was all alone, no news of Zayaan and my mind racing with all weird thoughts. 

The phone rang, it was Jameel, he and Laila were outside the house. I opened the door and the look on Jameel's face was enough to tell me that something was wrong. He asked me to have a seat, I was too hysterical to comprehend to anything I was being told.

"Bhabhi listen to me, Zayaan has met up in an accident, we need to go to the hospital."

I stood there in shock, I couldn't move, Laila held my hand and dragged me to the car. When we got to the hospital Zayaan's family was already there. Ammi walked up to me and burst out crying, it was as if I was emotionless, I just stood there without saying anything.

The doctors and nurses were in and out of his room, I could hear the machines everytime the door opened and closed and people crying and talking. I sat on the cold steel hospital chairs waiting for some news on Zayaan. Zayaan's Ammi cried louder when my family walked through the door.

"Amu beta are you okay? What did the doctors say? How is Zayaan?"

"Ammi my Zayaan, please save him, I can't live without him, Ammi my Zayaan," I cried out.

"Amu beta calm down, Zayaan will be okay."

"Assalaam-u-alaikum Aunty. I'm Laila, I don't think Amu ate anything, maybe you can get her to eat, we've been trying but she wouldn't eat."

"Okay beta thanks."

Ammi asks Zuhair bhai to get me something to eat, Jameel brings the food they've been trying to give me. I refused to eat until I got to see Zayaan. Few hours went by and we still knew nothing, then the doctor walked through the door and said that Zayaan was stable but he slipped into a coma.

I fell to the ground on my knees, how could Zayaan do this to me, he can't desert me like this. Zuhair bhai and Jameel helped me up, I can hear Ammi telling everyone to go home, I didn't know the time but I heard her saying it's quite late.

The doctor asked a nurse to arrange the waiting lounge for us for the night. He knew there was no way that I was leaving Zayaan. I sat in the room that Zayaan was in while Ammi and Bhabhi took turns to sit with me. My inlaws had all gone home, Jameel and Laila were with the rest of my family in the waiting room.

Soon it was morning, the doctors came to check on Zayaan, there hasn't been much of an improvement. Ammi suggested we all go home and freshen up and then we could come back to the hospital. I didn't want to leave Zayaan, I was afraid that something would happen and I would be at home.

When we got home, I showered and then took a nap, Ammi brought me something to eat and then she sat with me trying to comfort me. I couldn't stop crying, just the thought of all this machine on Zayaan and him being in a coma. Ammi and Fawaaz bhai were going to have a talk with the doctors later today.

The doctor called, Zayaan's pressure has been unstable, they asked us to come to the hospital immediately. Ammi and Fawaaz bhai spoke to the doctor and then Fawaaz bhai called me. The doctor wanted to know if we had decided what we wanted to happen in the event that he might become worse or might need life support. We were not yet there but with a coma there is no saying what can happen.

I sat by Zayaan side waiting for any movement or sign that he was gaining concious. My inlaws came by in the afternoon to speak to the doctor, they wanted to have Zayaan moved to their house. I was totally against it, I knew he wouldn't get the treatment he would get if he remained at the hospital.

Abba (Zayaan's father) tried convincing me but Jameel told them that legally only I had a right to make a decision. I don't know when Zayaan told Jameel but he drew up papers that in the event of anything that happened to him, I should make all the decisions. He didn't want us to unnecessarily argue on what to do.

I don't know what made them take such a decision but a person in a coma needs intensive care, they need attention from doctors and nurses. I spoke to the doctor and made sure that Zayaan was getting the best treatment.

I knew my inlaws were disappointed in Zayaans decision so I spoke to them and tried to assure them that I wouldn't play with their sons life, I am only taking the decision so that he can get proper care and treatment. I don't know if they were a little satisfied after I had a talk with them but they seemed okay with it.

The whole day went at the hospital, in the evening I sent everyone home and I stayed alone with Zayaan. I needed to pull myself together so I could think rationally. Through the night the nurses checked on Zayaan, they had to put a feeding tube for Zayaan so he could get the nutrients needed.

It is very upsetting and frustrating for me to see someone I love in a coma, I feel scared and helpless. Especially when I see his parent's with a questioning look on their face or Tabassum sitting in the corner weeping. My family have been a great support for the past few days and so have Jameel and Laila.

They all need to get back to their lives, they can't sit here and wait for Zayaan to wake up. We don't know when that will happen, it could take days, weeks or even months. Their jobs and studies are being put on hold to support us.

I know my family is going to refuse to go back and to leave me alone but I have to handle a few things on my own and this is one of those things. How long am I going to be dependent on my family and for how long are they going to be my support.

This morning Tasneem, Shiraz and the gang were here, they have been my only friends here so it helped seeing them although it still bothered me why they behaved strangely with me. Hassan explained that everyone was scared of Zayaan.

He is a well renowned lawyer and has been known to be tough, alot of people are apparently afraid of Zayaan. He has dealt with some high profile cases so people think that he has connections everywhere and can get anything done.

While I was sitting with my them, Ammi and Zuhair bhai walked in and behind them was Raeesa. I introduced Ammi and Zuhair bhai to the gang and we sat and spoke for a little while. Raeesa went straight to see Zayaan but was stopped by the security guard, he showed her to me and said she needed my permission.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum, I'm looking for Amaani, the guard won't let me in to see Zayu."

"Walaikum Salaam, maaf but who are you?" Zuhair bhai asked curiously.

"I'm Raeesa, his friend."

"I'm sorry we not allowing anyone in," Zuhair bhai says briefly.

"No one can stop me, do you know who I am? And I asked for Amaani, who are you to stop me."

"Excuse me, whoever you are, you heard him telling you nicely that we not allowing people so get loss," Shiraz says abruptly.

"It's okay guys, let her see Zayaan, I'll speak to the guard," I say calmly.

I walked up to the guard with Raeesa and asked him to let her in to see Zayaan. I went in with her, she sat by his bed side. She held his hand and pecked a kiss on the back of his hand. It frustrated me that she would do that infront of me.

We walked out of the room and Zayaan's parent's saw Raeesa, I know how much they hate her so I tried to justify her being there but they were too upset to listen to me and asked her to leave.

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