Chapter 10

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Aahil was shocked, he looked at me with disappointment and tears filling the brim of his eyes. I hear the door open and move away from him quickly, I see Fawaaz bhai and Mubashir bhai standing at the door.

They come into the room and close the door behind them. Mubashir bhai told Fawaaz bhai about Aahil's feelings. He was upset at first but Mubashir managed to persuade Fawaaz bhai. They decided to speak to our parent for us and now that my Abba was coming tomorrow they wanted to do it sooner.

"Amu, are you sure you don't have feeling for Aahil because we were planning to tell both side parent's and convinve them to give you guys time."

Fawaaz asked to speak to me alone, Aahil and Mubashir bhai stood outside waiting for us to finish.

"Amu you can tell me if you have feelings for Aahil, I won't be upset, Mubashir spoke to me already. I was upset at first but realised why not. Instead of you marrying someone you don't know and spending your life working hard to make it work, why not someone you know, but that's only if you like him."

"Bhai I'm not sure, He is special, he does make me feel special and takes good care of me, I know he genuinely cares about me. I don't know if Abba will approve and if he doesn't I don't want Aahil to be heart broken."

"Amu from what I'm hearing you do care about him and I've seen you guys together, I've seen how he looks at you, how by one gesture you know what each other is thinking or wants. It's a special bond you have. Give him a chance and see from there."

Fawaaz bhai calls them back into the room and tells Aahil that I'm just afraid, afraid that if our parents don't agree we both will be heart broken. Fawaaz bhai and Mubashir bhai leave us alone in the room and head down before anyone gets suspicious.

"So you have a thing for me too," he says excitedly.

"I do, unfortunately the heart wants what the heart wants," I say with a huge grin across my face.

"I love you babes."

"I love you too, Aahil."

He excitedly walked closer to me and put his hands around my waist and gave me a hug and a peck on my forehead.

"I would never let any harm come to you Amu. If things don't work out with our parents I will put in my all to make them agree. I love you too much to let you be taken by someone else."

We sit on the floor against his bed, he puts his head on my shoulder and enjoys the moment we having until Imaan knocks on the door, I hid in his bathroom while he answered the door. Uncle Umar was looking for Aahil.

He left me in the room amd went down with Imaan, I waited a little and then also made my way down. I walked into the garden area and Fawaaz and Mubashir are standing there looking at me with huge smiles on their faces.

I joined them, they were talking about tomorrow's plans. They all plan on going go carting and I agree to go with. Aahil sends me a message.

Aahil: "Babes don't agree to go with them, tomorrow is our day."

Me: "I already agreed but will try to get out of it."

I some how felt guilty, maybe we should keep our distance until our brother's speak to our parents. I was kind of doing the same thing Fathima was doing. I thought for a while about what we were about to do and decided against it.

I couldn't go on a date with Aahil, it would be so wrong, I would be doing something my family wouldn't approve of and I myself wouldn't approve of.

Aahil comes in and sits next to me, I whisper to him that we can't go tomorrow, he looks disappointed. I feel bad but I have to explain to him. I message him before he gets upset.

Me: "I don't think tomorrow is such a good idea. You know how strong I feel about dating. We should wait until we tell our parent's and they agree."

Aahil: "I understand although I really want to spend time with you."

Me: "We can still spend time together just with everyone else."

He looks at me and shows me his sad face. It makes me feel worse but I have to stand my ground. I couldn't sleep well, I tossed and turned thinking what our parent's would say.

Although they best friend's and have known each other their whole lives, I'm still worried. Before I knew it, it was morning. I got out of bed and had a quick shower. I didn't feel like going out but I know Aahil is looking forward to today.

I went to the kitchen to see if they needed any help, Aunty Ayesha was busy giving instructions to all the workers, she sent me to check if the tables were set. I walked to the garden and see Aahil busy setting the table so I offer to help him.

He looked nervous, Mubashir bhai was going to speak to his father after breakfast and if Uncle Umar agrees he will speak to my Abba. After we set the table, we sat down at one of the tables and started chatting about what we would do if they didn't agree.

He was nervous but confident they wouldn't have a problem. We both were from respectable families and he made a point our families love each other so they won't have a problem. I'm afraid that if things don't work out we will be putting our parent's friendship on the line.

Everyone comes down for breakfast, Aahil and I hardly eat anything from all the tension, soon the time comes and Mubashir bhai tell uncle Umar he would like to speak to him in private. They go into the study and our wait begins.

I ran upstairs to my room, I shut the door and burst into tears. I couldn't handle the tension, I didn't want to lose Aahil and I didn't want any harm to come to our parents.

An hour later Aahil comes to my room and say that uncle Umar has called the two of us. I wash my face and neaten myself before I go to the study. When we enter Uncle Umar tells Aahil to wait outside.

"Amaani do you really want to spend your life with my loser son? He says with a grin on his face.

"Jee Uncle Umar."

"Well don't tell me I didn't warn you," he winks at me. "I will speak to Aahil and then let you know what I have decided."

I send Aahil in and wait outside the study. Minutes later Uncle Umar calls me back in. He agrees to our terms and is very happy with our decision. He also agreed to speak to my Abba.

I sigh relief and walk out of the room feeling much better. It was not as bad as we thought, it's just my parent's to agree and I'm sure they will especially after seeing uncle Umar's reaction.

Aahil looks really happy that his father has agreed, his mother doesn't know as yet, his father is waiting to speak to her with my parents. Aahil tells Mubashir and Fawaaz what happened, they happy for us and hopeful that my parent's will be convinved. 

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