Chapter 104

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Zayaan woke up this morning with ideas streaming out, ideas about bringing Aadil and Raeesa together. We don't want to bring them together and she doesn't change her ways.

She needs to start learning how to treat people, how to respect people and value her relationships with people before they can become serious about each other.

Zayaan decided to throw a party at our house and invite our friends, well my friends, since his friends are all psycho's, we included Tabassum, Jameel and Laila on the guest list.

I didn't think it was such a great idea for Raeesa and I to be in the same place at the same time. How was I going to avoid her infront of everyone?

Non of the people we invited were her friends and wouldn't she find it strange that we invited her to our house, I questioned Zayaan before he could execute his plan.

He started to think it wasn't such a good idea to have both us women together but there was no other excuse to get her and Aadil together.

Aadil is my friend and she would question Zayaan if he pitched up with Aadil. I asked Zayaan to run his ideas by Aadil before he did anything.

It makes no sense trying to get them together if they don't want to be together. I decided the best was for us to invite Aadil over for lunch and speak to him before we went ahead with any of our plans.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum my dear friend, how are you doing?"

"Walaikum Salaam, I'm good and you?"

"What you doing today for lunch?"

"Nothing much, I'm at home today why are you alone and bored?"

"No Zayaan is home as well, join us for lunch."

"Don't stress about me, I'll get my mum to make me something."

"I'm not asking, I'm telling you that you having lunch with us."

"Amu really don't worry, I don't want to trouble you."

"Really Aadil, so much trouble to make an extra plate and plus my staff will take care of the cooking."

"Okay I'll be there after Zuhr."

"Great, we will be waiting."

I informed Zayaan that Aadil would be joining us for lunch. He was happy that I was getting involved although I told him that I wasn't going to get too involved.

I instructed the staff on what they should make and went to get dressed. I was nervous not knowing how Aadil would react. There was only one person who could tell me that we doing the right thing and that's Aahil.

"Hey you, long time since we've had a chat."

"Yeah sorry it's been hectic, how have you been?"

"I'm good and you mommy to be and how's baby doing?"

"We both good Shukr to Allah."

"That's great, I must say you sound much better, things between you and Zayaan all good I guess."

"Getting there, we both trying our best to understand the situation and each other. We behave differently somehow when we stressed so we have to learn to adjust to the new feelings."

"I'm glad you both trying to make this work. So how's the co-wife doing?"

"I guess she is okay, we don't interact much. That's the reason I called, don't tell anyone what we discuss today please."

"Amu, you getting me worried, what's up?"

"Aadil told me he has feelings for Raeesa, they were speaking but he stopped because she put all these crazy conditions to the divorce. He apparently told her not to do so and because of the friendship we share he felt he can't have anything to do with her anymore. Zayaan and I want to get them together since Aadil does like her and she wouldn't be speaking to him if she didn't feel the same. The thing is I don't know how we going to do it."

"Yoh that is some crazy stuff, you need to let atleast one of them know what you intend doing and my bet would be Aadil. Speak to him to see of he is okay with it then take it from there."

"That's what I intend on doing, we invited him for lunch today. I'm a bit skeptical to take this step, it would seem selfish from my part as I'm the first wife. We all know Raeesa and she won't think twice before trying to blame me."

"That's why speak to Aadil first, maybe have Zayaan handle the whole thing, try not to get too involved if possible don't get involved. Amu I know we all want her out of your life but we also don't want her to cause you any harm even if it's just by her yappy mouth."

"I don't want that, I'm glad I spoke to you about this. I'll get Zayaan rather to discuss it with Aadil and also I will let Aadil know that I have nothing to do with this besides telling Zayaan that he is interested in Raeesa."

"That's perfect. Let me know how it goes."

"I will, thanks alot for the talk and clearing things."

"I'm just glad I could help."

The door bell rang, Zayaan got the door, it was Aadil. When I got  downstairs they were in the living room chatting. I went to check on things in the kitchen and then went to greet Aadil.

He seemed a bit tense, I don't know if Zayaan had already spoken to him or was it just because he was alone with Zayaan.

Shortly after we were seated at the dining table the food was served. Everyone dug into their plates without saying a word to each other.

You could cut the air with a knife, that's how tensed it was. I had to do something to lighten up the atmosphere so Aadil and Zayaan could easily discuss the needful.

After lunch I asked them to sit in the living room while I got desserts. I messaged Zayaan asking him if he had spoken to Aadil and this is a good time to do so.

He didn't reply but I could hear them speaking from the kitchen. I gave them a few minutes and then went into the living room. Aadil had a huge grin on his face so I take everything went well.

"So Amu this is why you invited me for lunch?"

"Well Zayaan wanted to speak to you but I just want to be clear that I have nothing to do with this besides telling Zayaan about the two of you. I don't want anyone pointing fingers at me saying I wanted to get rid of my co-wife."

"I'm sure that won't happen, I won't let it happen."

"You guys carry on, I will be upstairs if you need anything."

"Why are you leaving? You can help us with ideas," Zayaan asks curiously.

"Babes I told you I don't want to get involved."

"Amu, he is right and we just the three of us, if you give us an idea here no one will know."

"Okay atleast sit with us to guide us."

"Okay I will sit here just to guide you both."

Some of the ideas they came up with was so silly, I felt like punching them for thinking of such things.

We needed one good idea that will help them and without her feeling forced or confused. He needs to spend more time with her and then when she is comfortable with him then he should tell her.

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