Chapter 110

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The past few weeks flew by and next thing I know I'm in labour and then in the theatre, Zayaan next to me and in a few minutes the doctors says, 'congratulations Mr and Mrs Malik, you have a healthy baby girl.'

Tears rolled down my cheeks,  I am now a mother, the feeling was just something out of this world. I turned to look at Zayaan, the nurse was handing him our little bundle of joy.

As soon as she was in his arms the tears rolled out and down his cheeks, the smile on his face was priceless. I could see from his expression he wanted to scream.

He turned to face the qibla and gave Adhaan in her right ear. The doctor asked for the baby soon after he was done so they could examine her.

The nurses and doctor got to doing their thing, examining, tests and so on while Zayaan went out to give the good news to my family.

Soon we were moved to a private room and everyone could come in and see us. Zayaan wanted that we have baby with us in the room instead of the nursery.

I think he felt safer with baby insight at all times. The nurse offered to come and stay with baby when I wanted to nap, so it made our decision easier.

Everyone was over the baby, Zafu first because he was the most excited. He eagerly waited to have a niece, he also like Zayaan wanted me to have a girl.

I could see the joy on everyone's face, Nanu was in tears when Ammi handed baby to him. He remembered Nani and how excited she was for me and to have a great grandchild.

The rest of the night I didn't get much sleep, with nurses up and down. Before I knew it, it was a new day and Zayaan was here with breakfast for me.

He was annoyed that baby was sleeping so much and wanted her to open her eyes and see that her Abba was here. He refused to leave her to sleep.

The doctor discharged us and soon we were on our way home. Zayaan was really excited to have his princess home so he could be with her all the time.

My inlaws had already arrived so when we got home they got to see baby, they shared the same joy as my family and Zayaan's parent's were really excited to be grandparents. 

They were deprived of being called grandparents by their first grandchild and so this felt like their first to them. Tabassum was just too chuffed to be an aunt.

Trying to get any rest seemed so impossible, a room full of people and everyone around the baby gave me no time to rest.

Ammi had to ask everyone to give us time to rest and when I was finally getting some sleep my dearest princess decided to wake up.

Ammi didn't inform anyone as yet that we were home, she wanted us to rest for little while and said she would call everyone tonight.

"Doll, doll, wake up you got visitors."


"Doll the baby."

"What happen to her?" I said as I woke up in shock.

"Nothing, I've been trying to wake you up so long, you got visitors."

"Babes give me few minutes to freshen up please. Stay here with her while I go wash my face."

"Okay my love."

I don't know who wakes a person like that but Zayaan certainly does. Gosh I really thought something had happened to the baby.

When I got out of the bathroom, Zayaan was sitting on the rocking chair with his princess in his arms, for the first time she opened her eyes and smiled at him and he was really chuffed.

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