Chapter 48

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After breakfast I went to my room to get my luggage, as I walked into the room I saw Zayaan sitting on the bed playing with his phone.

"What you doing here?" I asked nonchantly.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum to you. How are you my love?" Zayaan says with a huge smile on his face.

"Walaikum Salaam. I'm good and you?"

"Better now that you here, I was missing you?"

"Are you gone crazy? We were just together for breakfast. Anyways did you want something?"

"No, I'm here just to spend the last few minutes with you alone. I'm really going to miss you, I don't know how I'm going to manage."

"Who knows, with our families we might end up meeting soon and our wedding is few weeks away."

"I guess so, anyways let's chat about something else. I don't want to waste the little I have with you."

"Gosh you make it sound like I'm dying. I'm only going back home."

"Doll don't say that, okay what do you want to chat about?"

"Tell me what have you done with the house you suppose to buy?"

"Doll I bought the house, I know you say you want to stay with my parents but trust me it will be better to stay on our own. I know Abba better than anyone else and he loves to rule. He is not a bad person, he just believes alot in old traditions and it clouds his thinking. We will never have freedom to do as we please. I know that if we stay with them at some point you will be forced to leave your studies because he will find problems with you always studying. He is going to want you to be a housewife."

"Abba won't do that, he said I can study further. You worrying for nothing."

"Doll please listen to me, I can't let him do the same thing he did… "

"Abba did to who?"

"Nafeesa, she went through it and Tabassum will go through it, he told her already that she will not study further because she will be a housewife. I don't want him to do the same to you. I can't stand up to him but I can protect you from him."

"Are you serious? I can't give up my studies, I've worked so hard to get here. I will fulfill my responsibilities towards the house and family but at the same time need to focus on my studies."

"I know, that's why I don't want to stay with them. Think about it and let me know but just know I don't want to stay with them. We will see them as often as possible but we need our space."

"Maybe you right, maybe we should stay on our own. I will think about it."

Zafar came to call us, we had to get to the airport. We had just enough time to reach the airport on time.

Zayaan helped me with my luggage, everyone already had their luggage in the car and were ready to go. We greeted the Malik's and then left to the airport.

Nanu and Nani were going back home, so Fawaaz bhai was going with them, their flight was a few minutes before ours.

Once we got home I messaged Zayaan to let him know we reached safely. I messaged Mahek to see what she was doing, Ammi wanted to discuss some wedding related things with Asma Chachi.

The plan was made tomorrow Asma Chachi and Ammi will be meeting to discuss both weddings. I can't believe I'm getting married in a months it all feels like a dream.

As the time comes closer it all feels so real, I don't know if it's the right thing or the best for me but I know it's happening.

Zafar was nagging my Ammi so I decided to take him out for a few hours. He wanted a few things from the mall, it also gave me a chance to shop a bit.

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