Chapter 53

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"Aasaalaatu Khaayrum Minan-Nauum." ( Prayer is better than sleep), Fawaaz bhai calls out as he knocks on my door.

I climbed out of bed, made wudhu and prayed my salaah. Once I was done I hopped back into bed thinking I would get a little extra sleep, just then I heard a knock on my room door.

I hopped out of bed to check who it was, I thought it was bhabhi waking me up to help her in the kitchen but it was Zayaan.

I should have known, only he can trouble me so early in the morning. I don't think he realises that there's a limit to things.

"What are you doing here?" I ask anxiously.

"I came to spend time with you," He replies nonchalantly.

"Babes we got the whole weekend together and if someone sees we will be in big trouble."

"I have permission to be here and the weekend we going to be with our family."

"Which idiot gave you permission? I'm sure no one, you lying to me."

"Doll, I have asked Zuhair bhai and he said I could come to your room to spend time with you if you were awake. So here I am."

"I can't believe this…"

"It's true I gave him permission but please don't let anyone else see you together. I will come later and fetch Zayaan so everyone will think we came to your room together," Zuhair bhai says while standing by the door.

Once Zuhair bhai left, Zayaan closed the door and sat on the bed. I climbed onto the bed and got under the covers.

"You do know that I wanted to go back to sleep."

"I know but you can get your beauty sleep later, now it's my time."

Zayaan laid on the bed and put his head on my lap. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. I was still not totally comfortable with him being all touchy so it felt weird.

"Doll can I ask you something?"


"When did you get to know you are inlove with me?"

"On our holiday."

"And you never told me. Why?"

"I wasn't sure what it was at first. I confirmed with myself on our last day there and time was too little to tell you."

"Whatever it is, I'm glad you finally told me how you feel. I think it has cleared all our problems and confusions. Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?"

"For loving me, for accepting me and for forgiving me everytime I made a mistake or hurt you."

"Don't be silly. You don't have to thank me, if that's the case I should also be thanking you. For loving me, for accepting me and for all my mistakes and for hurting you. I think we are equally responsible for all that happened."

"Leave all that in the past. I just want to focus on our present and future. Let's forget all that happened and move on."

"That's the first smart thing you've said since we've met."

"Very funny," he says as he pinches my cheeks and continues to say, "Oh I almost forgot, I got something for you."

He lifts his head and then he kissed me. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine, something inside me changed, never to be reversed.

This new feeling could be dwelled upon later, because, for now, I was content to feel his breath come and go with mine. 

"I thought you had a gift for me. What happen to it?"

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