Chapter 114

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The day finally arrived, the day we've all been working so hard for and eagerly waiting for, Tasneem and Shiraz's wedding day.

It's been a hectic and exhausting few days with getting all the preparations done but with the help of good friends and family and faith in the Almighty everything worked out so well.

She made a stunning bride and Shiraz made a dashing groom. Her family are the most friendly and welcoming people. Not just her parent's but her extended family as well.

Once the wedding was over and Tasneem and Shiraz had left to the hotel, we all got together at our place, all my friends and Aadil, we ordered take outs and chilled.

Everyone ended up sleeping over since their bodies were too tired to move let alone awake enough to drive themselves home.

We were awake very early since we had to meet Tasneem and Shiraz at the airport, they were leaving to Mauritius for their honeymoon.

We got to the airport just in time, they had to board the flight in 10 minutes so we were saved. Airports are always so hectic and parking is the worst to find.

"OMG!OMG!!! The most handsome man in the whole universe is standing infront of me. I can't believe this, I never thought I would never see you again," A voice said from behind as she ran to Zayaan and embraced him in a hug.

I stood there shocked waiting for him to respond to her but he just stood there with a baffled look on his face. I nudged at him but he didn't snap out of it.

"Excuse me, how do I know you? I think you got the wrong person." He finally said as he turned to look at me for some answers.

"No, no I got the right person, Zayaan Malik, how can anyone forget you."

"Thanks for the compliment but I'm sorry I don't remember you."

"Oh yeah, I'm so silly how would you remember me, I heard about your accident and your memory loss. I'm really sorry about that."

"I got my memory back but I still don't know who you are."

"I'm Fiona, we met a few years back just after our graduation, well we didn't go to uni together but we met at this parry that was held for all the universities around."

Zayaan the party type, wow I can barely get him to attend a family function with me and here he was partying with girls. I stood there confused and waiting for answers.

"I was friends with your wife, remember she introduced us."

I was even more confused, maybe there was another Zayaan Malik but I did not introduce her to my husband.

"Doll come here please…. Fiona this is my wife Amaani."

"Oh sorry I thought, actually I heard that you and Raeesa got married."

"I'm really sorry Fiona but I still have no idea who you are but it was nice meeting you."

"It's okay, I don't expect the most gorgeous guy to remember me."

Zayaan and I made our way to the car, I wanted to ask him about Fiona but I decided to wait for him to tell me himself although it bothered me.

We got home and a few hours passed by, I completely stayed away from Zayaan making him know I was waiting for answers from him.

Did he really not remember that girl or did he just say it because I was around and I was curious to know this party type Zayaan.

At the dinner table I kept clearing my throat but he never got my hint that I needed to know and I wanted answers. 

"Are you going to tell me or will I have to ask?"


"Fiona and the party boy."

"I seriously don't know who she is, maybe we did meet since she knows Raeesa but I don't remember. Doll there's nothing to worry about, please don't get any ideas from this."

"Really Zayaan you think I'm so petty that I would let something so small come between us. Is that what you think of me, I make a mountain out of nothing?"

"All I'm saying is don't stress yourself because I'm not even thinking about her, I don't care who she is."

"Let's just forget it."

"Doll don't be like that."

"Be like what Zayaan, every few months something or someone appears in your life from your past and then you refuse to speak about it and it leaves me thinking for days until you push it away by distracting me with gifts."

"Amu you talking like you don't have a past, for God's sake your past is still inlove with you."

"Yes Zayaan I have a past but you know everything about my past there's no secrets and if you remember correctly you were married to your past who is also still inlove with you."

"I can't believe this, you not thinking straight right now and we just saying things to hurt each other. I'm out of here because I can't hear anymore of this nonsense."

Zayaan left the dining room and the next thing I heard was the front door bang. I sat there stunned and with dismay.

Did Zayaan and I just argue about something silly, maybe he is right I have been turning every little thing into an argument.

What has gotten into me, I have such a lovely family, an amazing husband and a beautiful daughter, what more could I ask for.

Yes he buys me with gifts but is that really a bad thing? I'm not sure, for the time that I receive it, it is but then I just feel used.

I've been having these thoughts and feelings for the past few weeks. I learn something new about Zayaan and it's almost everytime swept under the carpet.

It makes me wonder if it's all true and he doesn't want me to know. Is there something he is hiding away from me.

I sometimes spend days sitting in bed in my pj's just wondering about my life, it's been making me neglect Zayana.

I never wanted a nanny for her but I had to keep one since I've been so occupied with my problems. Sometimes I think it's me, maybe I did something wrong and deserve all that's thrown my way.

I've haven't spoken to anyone about it because I don't want anyone pointing fingers at Zayaan, I think everyone did enough of that when he married Raeesa.


I apologise for being MIA for two weeks. It was a hectic two weeks and I didn't even have time to reply to comments.

Thanks to all those who were concerned, I really appreciate it.

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