Chapter 30

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Today is my Papa's birthday, my Papa is my Abba's eldest brother. Since I am the eldest grand daughter I was spoilt and I am everyone's favourite, especially my Papa's. He considers me to be his first daughter although he has Mahek as a daughter.

I already planned not to go but everyone was forcing me. Since Zayaan was around my parent's found that it would be strange if I didn't attend and it would give people reason to think things are not going good.

I got out of bed and got ready, today is Jummah so I put on my black Abaya which has aquamarine diamanté and sequins, with a aquamarine khaska hijab.

I went down for breakfast, I had to be ready early this morning because Zayaan and I are going to get a gift for my Papa. I helped bhabhi prepare breakfast and then went to call Zayaan.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum, may I come in?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Walaikum Salaam, Jee come in please… looking really stunning today. I'm glad you came to my room, I get to spend a few minutes with you."

"Actually I came to call you for breakfast and thank you for the compliment. Everyone is waiting for you, shall we go down?"

"Doll you go so long, I'm coming."

I left the room and went downstairs, as I reached the bottom of the staircase the door bell rang. I shouted that I would get it. As I opened the door I see this huge bouquet, I can't see the delivery man's face the bouquet was covering it.

I asked him to put it on the table in the passage and then signed for it. There was a small card with it, I opened the card to see who it was for and just then Zayaan walked down the stairs.

"Ah they have arrived, just in time and in the right person hands."

"What do you mean? These are for me?"

"Yes doll they are for you. It's to say sorry for all the times I should have said it and also for yesterday and for the sacrifices you keep making."

"Thanx they lovely but it's not necessary."

"You welcome and yes it was definitely necessary. You have done alot that needs appreciation but I've never given it to you."

My bhabhi comes to call us and sees this huge bouquet. She gets all hyper to see that Zayaan is making an effort to make me happy and rushes to give everyone the news.

I walked into the dining room like nothing happened but everyone else had huge smiles on their faces. Zayaan got the thumbs up and pat on the shoulder from my brother's.

At the breakfast table Zayaan informed my parent's that he will be staying for another week as he has other business to attend to.

I looked at him in surprise, he didn't mention this to me before, in a way I was happy he was staying. Maybe this is my chance to try to make things work.

After we were done with breakfast, I went up to get my bag, Zayaan was waiting at the door for me. I informed my Ammi that we were going.

"I'm done, we can go."

"Sure my princess," Zayaan says nonchalantly.

"Really princess?"

"Yeah thats what you are now,  soon you will be my queen."

"Don't you think it sounds cheesy? I mean a big business tycoon using such cheesy lines. Doesn't suit you."

"What would you like me to call you?"

We get to the car, Zayaan opens the door, I slip into my seat and he closes the door. He gets into the drivers side and starts the car, he looks at me.

"So have you decided?"

"Decided on what?"

"What I should call you? Doll, babes, princess…"

"Call me by my name Amaani."

He looked at me with a sad face. I laughed at him but realised he was really upset. I think he wanted me to say that he can call me babes or at least something special.

We drove to the mall in silence, just before we got there he stopped the car on the side of the road, he turned to face me.

"Okay for now I will call you what your family calls you but soon I will find the right name for you. I'm sorry I got upset, maybe I'm being a bit pushy. I didn't realise it," Zayaan said gingerly.

"I should be saying sorry. I'm sorry I laughed at you, you were serious and I took it as a joke. You can call me whatever you want."

"It's okay," he says as he passes a stroke on my nose with his hand and smiles.

We got to the mall, Zayaan opened the door for me, I got out and started walking without waiting for him. He ran towards me and grabbed my hand, he pulled me back.

"What's wrong?" I say aggressively.

"I'm sorry, it's just you left me alone and walked off."

"Gosh Zayaan, I got a fright."

"I'm sorry doll. I didn't mean to frighten you."

We walked into the mall, Zayaan asked if he could hold my hand. Maybe this would give a push to the start we need for our relationship so I allowed him to hold my hand.

He was being a real gentleman, I for the first time was getting to see a different Zayaan. He could have always been this way but I always pushed him away and never gave myself a chance to get to know him.

We walked into a few stores and finally got a gift for my Papa. We didn't take long to find what we wanted so we had alot of time still, Zayaan had no meeting today so he suggested we walk around a little.

I didn't mind as I had nothing else to do. We shopped a little for ourselves as well and for our families.

I never thought Zayaan would be so relaxed while shopping, usually men are always annoyed at shopping. Zayaan wanted to have coffee so we stopped at a coffee shop before going home.

"I never thought you would be so calm while shopping, my brother's nag me to finish shopping quick. Now they don't even come with me shopping."

"Oh no I love shopping. Retail therapy, although I don't get a chance very often to shop. But when I'm on vacation or on a trip I make sure I take out one day at least to shop."

"My Ammi complains I shop too much. So I've cut down a bit. My Abba just pays my bills, I don't think he even knows how much I spend but I don't overspend."

"Well after you get married you don't have to worry about that. I will always say yes to giving you money or anything you want."

"You crazy. I'm not taking money from you. I will use my own money. My Abba won't be stopping my allowance, so I'll always have money."

"I'm going to be your husband so it's my responsibility nah? So why should your Abba use his money on you?"

"That's how I want it to be, I don't want your money."

"We will see about that."

On our way back Zayaan thanked me, I didn't know why because I should thank him for taking out the time to get something for my Papa and also for being so kind to me.

I was starting to feel ashamed for the way I have been treating Zayaan. I took out my anger on him and never made him feel welcomed. I've always made sure he left unhappy and that was definitely not what I was taught.

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