Chapter 17

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This morning has been crazy, Aunty Hasina and my Ammi have decided to still go with a little decor for the engagement although it will just be us. I know my Ammi can't do simple, she has to do everything on a big scale so this is a challenge for her. Aunty Hasina has been very sweet and has accepted our decision but my Ammi keeps trying to convince me to have a bigger engagement.

I have such a headache from my Ammi nagging me about everything, all this is becoming so overwhelming and too much to handle. Soon I will be engaged to someone I'm not inlove with. I'm not over Aahil and here my Ammi is worried about the food she is going to serve, the colour of our outfits, what we going to wear. I haven't even decided what I want to wear or the colour so I'm a bit annoyed.

My Abba calls everyone to the living room to discuss last minute things. He feels that the Malik's will be gone by the afternoon and it's best we discuss things face to face. I feel like running away, I want to laugh at some of the things they deciding on. Like really they don't know how to do things simple, I feel maybe I should offer to do everything myself so I have control of the what is being done.

I hear my Ammi telling my bhabhi that she has decided not to inform me but she is planning a huge engagement and she has already told Aunty Hasina about her plan. They set up late last night and discussed everything that will be happening and it's taking place at a hotel on the beach. I didn't let my Ammi know that I heard her and I didn't want to create a scene infront of our guest so I decided to spend the rest of the day in my room.

I told Zafar to let my parent's know that I will not be coming down for the rest of the day because I was ill. I locked myself in my room and told him to call me when the Malik's were leaving so I could see them off and not be rude.

The guys had gone out for some golf, I am glad I can have this time to myself to try to calm down. I feel so abused, like I have no say in my own life.It got me thinking is it like this with every girl.

The day seems to be dragging, I can't wait for the Malik's to leave so I can confront my parents. I have to let them know how I feel, my brother's have always been so protective over me but this time they seem so relaxed that they haven't even bothered to ask me how I feel.

The guys get back and my Abba and Uncle Gulaam are done discussing business. My Ammi sends Zafar to call me so we can spend our last few hours with the Malik's, Zayaan offers to come get me instead. He knocks on the door and calls out my name, I open the door and let him in.

"Are you okay? Zafar said you were not feeling well."

"I'm okay, just can't take all this, it's overwhelming. Do you know our mother's are planning a huge engagement behind our backs?"

"I'll speak to them again, it's not what we want and I'm with you on this. I don't want anyone else there."

"No, don't tell them anything, it's no use they not going to listen. I seriously don't know if I can do this anymore."

"Don't say that sweety. Don't ruin a good thing just because of a small hurdle. Do you really want to just leave them to have a big thing or do you want to speak to them and let them know we not happy with them betraying us?"

"I really don't know, maybe just leave them because they obviously don't care about what we want, they trying to impress people."

He gives me a comforting hug and we go downstairs. My bhabhi is busy in the kitchen so I help her get lunch sorted and guess who walks through the door, Armaan. He comes straight to the kitchen and starts telling us about his trip. He winks at me just as Zayaan walk in.

Zayaan looks furious, I haven't seen him like this, I get nervous not knowing what he is going to do. I introduce Zayaan to Armaan, I don't mention who Zayaan is. Zayaan shakes hands with Armaan and introduces himself as my fiancé. Armaan looked at me with shock, I can't believe the situation I got myself into. Armaan goes up to his room after greeting everyone else.

"Why did you do that? I would have told him later on, he just got back I didn't want to give him a heart attack."

"I'm sorry, I felt offended that you didn't let him know exactly who I am and I saw him wink at you."

"He was flirting with bhabhi so he winked at me because he was joking around with her, gosh you really need to address your jealousy issues."

Zayaan totally annoyed at me stormed out of the kitchen and went to sit with everyone in the living room. I also joined him to the living room, I tried several times to get his attention but he ignored me completely. I gave up trying, I think he's being childish and if this is how he is going to be then maybe us getting married is not a good idea, not like I got a choice though.

Lunch is served and Zayaan does the usual pull the chair out for me and then sits next to me. Armaan comes and sits on my other side, which makes Zayaan even more upset then before. I put my hand under the table and grab onto Zayaan's hand indicating to him to cool down nothing is going on.

He looks at me strangely and knocks my hand off, I got up from where I was and went to sit next to Fawaaz away from both men. I can't believe a big shot lawyer is getting jealous over a first year uni student. The Malik's are here for another 4 hours and then they take off.

We kids sit outside in the backyard around the pool, I sat on the pool chair reading my book, Zayaan came to sit on the chair next to me, I know exactly why, he didn't want Armaan sitting next to me. He turns to face me trying to get my attention, I looked at him from the corner of my eye a few times until he caught me looking at him.

"I saw that, why you ignoring me?"

"Because you ignored me earlier and I think you being childish."

"Don't blame me, anyone who was marrying you wouldn't want any other guy around you especially if he knew that guy had feelings for you."

"Come on, I got three brother's, I'm never left alone with Armaan so nothing is going to happen. Are you always going to be so protective and insecure?"

"I'm not insecure I just don't like him."

"You don't know him."

"That's why I'm more afraid."

"Don't be, I promise you I will stay far away from him for this whole week and if you want after the engagement you can lock me up in a box," I smirk.

He laughed out so loud everyone wanted to know what we were talking about. We both laughed but never told anyone. It was time for the Malik's to leave, Zayaan and I exchanged numbers, he looked sad to leave but I was relieved I didn't have to pretend anymore. I didn't have to forcefully hold someone's hand or smile unnecessarily, I wasn't forced to do things to please others.

I am still upset with my Ammi, as soon as the Malik's leave and everyone is settled in the living room, I surprise my Ammi by letting her know that I am aware of her intentions, I let them know that I am being forced into this marriage and to make matters worst my family is betraying me further by lying. I leave them to ponder on what I said. I get into my car and drive off without telling anyone where I was going.

I called Nosheen bhabhi, she has recently gone through a similar situation as I have and I'm sure she will have sound advise for me. Her marriage to Fawaaz bhai is also arranged and she also didn't want to get married, she still has two years left for her studies.

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