Chapter 31

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The men left for Jummah Salaah, after I prayed my salaah I went to see what was left to do for lunch. I set the table before bhabhi came down. When she came down we sat in the kitchen speaking while waiting for the men to return.

"So Amu how did your shopping go with Zayaan?"

"It went well bhabhi. For the first time I was relaxed around him, It felt like I was seeing a different side to him, I couldn't see it before because I never let myself see the good in him."

"That's good Amu. I'm glad you opening up to Zayaan and giving him a chance, He deserves it."

Just then the men walk in, bhabhi and I go to the kitchen to warm lunch for us. Zayaan comes to the kitchen to greet us. He looks at me and winks which brings me to blush.

After lunch my Abba and Zuhair went back to work, Fawaaz bhai went back to uni, he had two more classes for the day and Zafar went out with his friends.

Ammi went to Asma Chachi to see if they needed help for the party tonight. Bhabhi was busy in her room and Zayaan was sitting outside by the pool so I decided to join him.

"Thanks for today for taking out time to go with me shopping and for being so kind."

"You don't have to thank me, I like doing things for you, It makes me happy."

"You always say things that leave me speechless. You crazy you know that."

"I found that out when I met you, so what you doing for the rest of the day?"

"I don't have anything to do. I haven't been in contact with any of my friends so couldn't make plans with them plus you here so…"

"So what if I'm here,  if you want to meet up with friends please go. Don't stop yourself for me. Wait why haven't you been in touch with your friends?"

"No phone and I can't leave you alone. It wouldn't be right anyways it gives us a chance to spend time together."

"You want to spend time with me? That's a first."

"Yes, why is there something wrong?"

"It's just strange because you always running away from me."

We sat for hours outside speaking to each other. My bhabhi came down to check if we needed anything, she reminded us that we had to go for the party tonight and that we would be having dinner there as well.

Zayaan said he had something he wanted to give me. I bought him a watch but I bought it infront of him and gave it to him the same time, maybe he was just giving me a return gift like a chocolate or something I thought to myself. 

We needed to get ready so we went up to our rooms, I had a quick shower, as I was dressing Zayaan came to my room.

"May I come in?"

"Yes you may," I say nonchantly.

"This is for you."

He handed me a gift bag, I showed gratitude and continued putting on my hijab and jewellery. I didn't realise he was still in the room. I turned to get my perfume and knocked into him.


"Sorry, are you okay?

"Yeah I'm okay, I thought you were gone."

"Let me check your hand, I think I hurt you badly."

"No it's okay, why you still here."

"I wanted you to wear it today, the gift I got you."

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