Chapter 29

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Zuhair bhai and bhabhi left a few minutes after Zayaan. They knew that nothing they said would change my mind or his, actually they were not interested in changing his mind.

What he wants is what they want too, I am the only one who doesn't see it their way. My Abba called Zayaan and I both to the living room. Zuhair bhai told Abba about our discussion and what I have decided.

"Zuhair told me about the conversation the two of you had earlier. Before the two of you get married I would like for you to atleast fall in love, but I know that not everything is under my control, I know I always say to Amaani that we don't fall in love before marriage but with your circumstances, I will root for it. We all know how you feel about each other and Zayaan beta I know my Amu can be stubborn when it comes to her feelings. She loves with all her heart and values all her relationships. She might be nasty to you but we all know she has your best interest at heart. I know she feels you deserve better because she feels she can't give you what a wife is suppose to. All I ask from you today is to decide whether you want to continue with this relationship or do you wish to free yourself from it? Trust me beta if you say once that you want to be free I will forget business and my promise I will call your Abba and tell him that things are not working out."

"Sir, I have told Amaani before and will say the same to you. I do not want to be free from this relationship because this is what I want. With all due respect I am inlove with your daughter Sir."

"Amu did you hear that? Now what more do you want? Why are you troubling Zayaan and everyone else? Why are you putting forward all these extreme conditions? Can you not see how much he cares for you? How much more convincing do we need to do before you accept Zayaan?"

"Sir if you don't mind I would like to say something."

"Please go ahead."

"Sir I know everyone is trying to help but I think it is best to let Amaani and I work through our relationship without anyone else interfering. We will get to understand and accept each other if we work through this ourselves."

"Zayaan I understand but Amaani is not willing to compromise or understand. She wants you to take a second wife. That is no joke, she doesn't even know what she is getting into.  What if your second wife doesn't accept Amaani's terms."

"Abba I haven't put forward any terms. I will gladly give her everything she wants. I already told Zayaan that I don't want any of his property or anything. I just want him to be happy, to get the happiness he deserves which I can't provide."

"Amaani do you even realise what position you have put me in? I feel like you pushing me into going back on my word. Zayaan's father will not do business with us if this alliance is not kept, he made it clear that this was his condition. I will lose my reputation and respect if this does not work out. No father wants to see his children go into a marriage that they not happy about so for you, I'm willing to go against my word."

"Sir if you want I can speak to my Abba and tell him I'm not happy about this marriage and that way you keep you reputation and word."

"How is that going to help Zayaan. It will put the blame on your family that's just shifting the blame and then your families reputation is at stake."

"Abba,I make a promise to you today that you will not lose both your reputation and your word. I will try my best to be a good wife to Zayaan. I will work towards this relationship."

"Thank you beta, that's all I want. I want you to try at least."

After we were done, Zayaan and I went back to our rooms. I sat on my bed, put on my earplugs and pretended like nothing was wrong.

I tried so much to get my mind off what I just promised. I can't believe I agreed and got myself deeper into this. Just as I wondered how Zayaan felt about my decision he knocked on my room door.

"Come in," I say nonchalantly.

"Can we talk?" Zayaan says gingerly.

"Yeah sure, come sit, what's up?"

"Whoa I'm not use to this nice you. Were you really serious about me taking a second wife? I can't believe you even suggested it. I would never think of taking a second wife, have you seen my first wife? she is something from another planet."

"Yes I was serious. I know it's weird because not all women would say yes but we both know our marriage is a business deal. As long we get married the deal would happen, doesn't matter if we stayed together when no one is looking."

"Yeah but it's more then a business deal for me, Amaani are you sure you okay with this because I can still tell my parent's I don't want to get married."

"Yes I'm sure, I don't want the blame to be shifted. It's not fair on anyone, I will have to accept that we going to get married and spend the rest of our lives together."

"Don't stress once we married I promise you I will still be the same, we will remain friends just friends and things will remain the same."

"Well we will have to wait and see how our lives take a turn then."

"Don't be down about it, I promise you won't regret your decision. Who knows maybe you will start liking me if not loving me."

"Don't get you hopes high. I don't hate you now, I already like you but as a person not as anything more. If you want love you have to take a second wife."

"You do know if I have to take second wife she would be jealous of you."

"Why would she be jealous? I'm ready to give up all my rights as a wife so she will be at an advantage."

"Jealous because you so gorgeous, no woman can match your beauty."

"Aww, thanks for the complement, but seriously do think about it."

"You going there again. I told you that is not posible. Look we've been joking around but serious talk now. I want to tell you that although you made a promise to your Abba but I will not keep you to your promise. I don't expect that after we get married you be my wife as in duties and responsibilities towards me. We will live together but in separate rooms, we will only be together when we infront of people."

"I don't mind that but at the end it is all what the Almighty plans. I never expected to finish school and already be engaged. I knew I had to get married to a stranger, when I had Aahil then I was happy that had changed to me possibly marrying someone I knew but Almighty had other plans. I know my Abba had my best interest in mind but it all happened at the wrong time."

After Zayaan left I changed into my pj's and then got into bed. I kept thinking about my promise, If I didn't keep my promise I would only be deceiving myself because the Almighty is watching me.

I have never broken a promise and my father has never thought me to go back on my words. He is the best example of a man of his word.

I couldn't become selfish and only think about myself,  that is why I made such a promise. In our family we always consider everyone else before we do anything.

I know that although this is a alliance fixed on a business deal and I have no interest in it but for my family I will definetely learn to live with Zayaan, to accept him as my partner and to do my duty towards him as a wife.

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