Chapter 25

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"Aasaalaatu Khaayrum Minan-Nauum." ( Prayer is better than sleep), Fawaaz bhai calls out as he knocks on my door. I get out of bed, make wudhu,  pray my salaah, as I got up from my musallah my phone rings, it's Aahil.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum babes. How you doing?"

"Walaikum Salaam. Alhamdulillah and yourself?"

"Not too good, I'm feeling bad for coming to your house and creating a scene. I keep making these mistakes that are costing me alot."

"Aahil I don't know what to say to you, yes we want to be together but it's not possible, in fact it's too late to even think of us being together. Please I beg you, please move on and live your life," I say as tears begin to roll down my cheeks.

I cut the call before Aahil could say anything, I ran to the bathroom to wash my face, as I walked out of the bathroom bhabhi entered my room.

Bhabhi came to speak to me about what happened last night. She hasn't told Zuhair bhai anything as yet but she wants to tell him. I try to stop her but she feels that since I'm getting married it is not wise to have Armaan around.

I explain to her that we will ask Armaan to go back to his mother until the wedding is over. University is over for the year and he has no reason to stay here for the holidays.

It will be a great excuse for my parents as well. By the time he returns I will be married and in another town. After a while bhabhi finally agreed not to tell anyone. She said that she will ask Armaan to go back home.

Today is Saturday, Mahek and I have plans to go shopping together so I take a nice refreshing shower, I dress in a blue jeans and a blue top with a peach hayati throw.

Since Aahil came by and created a scene my parent's have become strict on me. Last night my Abba had a talk with me and informed me that they were going to take precautions.

My car keys and phone were taken away, they were not allowing me to go out with anyone so Zuhair bhai had to inform Mahek that I would not be joining her. All of a sudden I was in a jail, all because of Aahil and his silly actions.

Bhabhi could see I was upset, she knew I was not being treated fair and it wasn't even my fault. After breakfast I went up to my room and she followed me up.

"Amu can I come in? Babhi asks gingerly.

"Yeah sure bhabhi."

"I know it's tough on you to have your whole life turned upside down. I understand how you feeling but remember our parent's only do what's best for us. Abba is only making sure that your reputation is safeguarded. He loves you remember that."

"I know bhabhi. I just feel like I'm in jail and all credit goes to Aahil for his childish behaviour."

"I know you feel that you being punished but it's nothing like that. Abba is only making sure you safe and that Aahil doesn't come near you."

"I know bhabhi. I understand that I now belong to another family. I am going to be the Malik's daughter-in-law now so I have to be careful."

"I'm glad you understand Amu. You make me proud."

After bhabhi left I sat for a few hours thinking how my life has changed. Just in a matter of a couple months I fell inlove, lost my love and went from being single to engaged.

I had such different plans for my life, I wanted to complete my studies before I got married, I wanted to experience life and spend time finding myself.

Zayaan called my Abba after lunch to inform him that he would be coming to town for a few days. He tried to convince my Abba to allow him to stay at a hotel but as I told him that wouldn't happen. He had to give in to my Abba.

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