Chapter 78

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Zayaan reminded me that tonight he needed to work on a new case he has taken up. I was sitting in my room busy with my assignment when Zayaan came to sit next to me. I reminded him that he has work to do.

He smiled and grabbed my hand, I took his hand and kissed him lightly. He got up but wouldn't leave my hand so I stood up and tried to push him out of the room so he could get to work. He finally let go of my hand but then grabbed it again making me fall into his arms. I peck a kiss on his cheek and then push him out of the room.

This morning I woke up to breakfast in bed, I had no lectures so I wasn't going to uni,  Zayaan decided to work from home so we could spend sometime together. After Jummah Zayaan and I decided to go shopping. I needed a few things for the house and for us.

We shopped for a bit and then we decided to have dinner before we went to watch the movie. It's not really my kind of movie, I probably would have fallen asleep if Zayaan didn't keep speaking to me. I was just glad that he was enjoying the movie, ever since he watched the trailer he has been speaking about this movie.

As we came out of the theatre we spotted Shiraz and the gang. I went up to them to speak to them and then introduced Zayaan to them. They greeted him but then went all quiet, It got a bit awkward so we left. I didn't think much of it but it bothered Zayaan since these were the only friends I made since I have been here.

Today is Zayaan's cousins wedding, Jameel and Laila have been here for most of the day, we decided to go together to the wedding so I asked them to bring over their clothes so we could all dress here and leave. I didn't know what to expect from Zayaan's extended family. Most of them didn't make it to our wedding or walimah because of the differences they have had.

We got to this gorgeous venue, the water feature outside and the beautiful garden were breathtaking. The hall was draped fully in white and pink with hints of sparkle and light. It was simply stunning, from the table settings to the tea table everything was perfectly thought out and planned.

It was a huge affair, I'm sure there were over five hundred people present. When the bride and groom walked in and then took their seats on the stage Zayaan squeezed my hand, I looked at him and smiled.

I didn't move from my seat without Zayaan or Laila, I didn't know anyone here so it made it a bit uncomfortable. Laila and I went to get desserts for the four of us, as I was standing there I heard someone call out my name. I ignored it at first thinking who could know me here but Laila heard it aswell. I turned and there stood Aahil infront of me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask curiously.

"The groom is my friend, we studied together and you what you doing here?"

"The groom is Zayaan's cousin."

"Oh great, where is Mr Malik?" Aahil asks nonchalantly.

"He is sitting at the fourth table second row, are you here alone?"

"With a group of friends."

"Oh great, have fun," I say trying to end the conversation.

"Can I join you guys?"

"Yeah sure," I say apprehensively.

Laila and I get desserts for us and then head back to the table. The bride and groom are busy taking photos with their guests. They doing friends first because alot of the grooms friends need to catch a flight back home.

"Look who I found," I say irritably.

"Aahil! How's it dude?" Zayaan says gingerly.

"I'm cool, how's things with you?"

"Great man, this is my cousin Jameel and his wife Laila."

"Nice to meet you guys."

"So what you doing here dude?"

"The groom is my friend, we studied together."

"Oh nice, his my cousin."

"Yeah Amaani was saying."

"So how do you now each other?" Jameel ask curiously.

"They childhood best friends," Zayaan replies excitedly.

"Oh wow, finally we meet someone besides bhabhi's family who can tell us her secrets," Jameel says jokingly.

"Bhabhi? Amu that sounds weird on you."

"Shut up Aahil. Have some respect like Jameel," I say annoyingly.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to offend you Jameel, I just love teasing Amu."

Aahil made himself comfortable at our table, I was not too happy about it but decided to look on the bright side, he is someone I know at this wedding. Zayaan and Jameel went to greet their uncles while Laila and I sat with Aahil. Laila didn't look too keen on going to greet them and I wasn't going to tag along.

Aahil got busy telling Laila all the mischievous things we got up to as kids while I sat there and listened to Aahil brag about our childhood. Zayaan came to get me, his family wanted to meet me, so I left Aahil to go on with his stories.

Zayaan and I were practically dragged around by one of Zayaan's uncles to meet the rest of the family. I remember some of their faces from our wedding and walimah. Zayaan and I got back to the table and Aahil was still at it with his stories.

"Where are you crashing tonight?" Zayaan asks Aahil.

I was praying Zayaan wouldn't invite Aahil over. Luckily he said that he and his friends were catching a flight back in an hours time. Zayaan didn't want to go to the brides house and then to the grooms house, so we went straight home. Jameel and Laila were going to the grooms house to help them set up.

As I walked out of the bathroom Zayaan grabbed me and pulled me towards him, I landed on his chest, he suddenly picked me up. He carried me to the bed, laid me down and then covered me with the duvet, he switched off the lights and jumps into bed.

"I love you," I say as I place a kiss on his cheek and turn around to sleep.

Zayaan moves closer to me and puts his hand around me turning me on my back, he looked me straight in my eyes with this mischievous smirk on his face.

"I love you forever and ever too," he says as he caresses my neck.

"Babes what you up too?"

"Loving my wife."

"I know that look, are you not tired."

He places his hand over my mouth, his lips connects with mine, gentle but captivating. Suddenly the world around us becomes extinct. As our lips pull apart, a gentle breeze disperses over the flame annihilating the heat. Our breathing comes out in short, desperate gasps. The intensity has washed away. The rest of the world is slowly coming back into focus.

He places his head on my chest and take a deep breathe, he looks at me with the most mesmerising eyes then he lifted my hand and pecked a kiss on my palm. I rubbed my hand down his face and placed a kiss on his forehead. He placed my hand on his chest and rested on me for a while.

"I hope you enjoyed yourself today?"

"I did, was nice meeting your family. It was weird meeting Aahil here though."

"I was surprised too but we not really in contact with him to know where he is. Strange that he didn't think of staying over by us."

"I don't think he wanted to trouble us and in a way it's better."

Trying to get us off the Aahil topic, I leaned closer to Zayaan, I pressed my lips against his forehead and then planted a kiss on his cheeks. I wrapped my arm around his waist and cuddled against him, resting my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.


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