Chapter 40

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This morning at the breakfast table my Abba informed Fawaaz bhai and I that we had to attend an engagement in the evening. My Abba and Zuhair bhai couldn't make it as they had a business meeting.

I didn't mind going to the engagement, it was a good excuse to keep my mind distracted. My Ammi gave me some money to buy a gift for the couple, so I dragged Zafar with me to the mall.

When I got back bhabhi told me there is a parcel for me in my room. I ran up to see what is was and from whom. There was a bouquet of flowers and a blue and silver gift box. I first read the card that was attached to the box.

"Doll I want to thank you for agreeing to help with Azaad. I'm sorry I didn't say anything that day. I was stunned that you agreed. Thank you so much. Now I'm more sure then ever that you are the one I want to spend my life with and you are perfect for my family."

I opened the gift box, it had a full outfit, a Anarkali suit, a pair of matching sandals, matching necklace,  earings, bangles and a clutch. I really loved the outfit. I immediately called Zayaan to thank him.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum. How you? Thanks so much for the gifts."

"Walaikum Salaam, Alhamdulillah and you?"

"I'm good."

"It's something small compared to what you sacrificing."

"Have you spoken to your parent's as yet?"

"I tried but they not willing to hear what I have to say. I told them Nafeesa is sick and she doesn't want to leave Azaad with Sameer. My Abba says he can't understand if Azaad has a father, why should I shoulder the role of his father. Why doesn't Nafeesa trust Sameer to look after Azaad."

"Should I try speaking to them?" I ask cautiously.

"No they upset with you aswell," he says hysterically.

"With me why? I'm not even married in your family and I'm making enemies."

"Doll my Abba is very stubborn, anyone who goes against him is his enemy. I don't know what else to do, this whole week we've been fighting."

"Maybe if they hear it from me they won't have a problem. I can give it a try at least."

"Okay doll tonight I will call you on Skype and you can speak to them. I hope you can change their mind because I've lost all hope," he says apprehensively.

"I hope so too. If not for the child then for us at least they can accept our decision."

"Let's see what happens. I'm missing you alot, can't wait to see next week. Can't you come earlier? I really want to see you."

"Don't be crazy. It's a family holiday why would I come earlier and what excuse do I give my parent's."

"Doll you don't know how I lived these past few days. I really needed your support. I felt so alone especially last night when I got into an argument with Abba."

"You so dramatic. You alive today so you managed to live."

"Doll when you here on holiday, will we get time to spend alone? I want to be with you with no interuptions."

"I don't know, we will see because Zuhair bhai has booked alot of group activities for us."

"I guess I have to take what I get. Just hope we get to meet."

"Why would you think we won't meet? Aren't we meeting at your place for dinner and then Zuhair bhai was saying you guys are joining us for some activities."

"Yeah doll but i got some court cases on some of those days. I'm not sure if I will be around that's why I wanted one day for us alone. I've been away for two weeks so I can't take off much."

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