Chapter 87

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When I got home my inlaws were there, Aahil gave me a stern look, I know he is upset because my phone was off and I was out for quite a long time. My inlaws have probably been here a while, I see Aahil has already served them snacks and drinks.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum, I'm sorry I didn't know Abba and Ammi were here."

"It's okay beta, we came to check on you. How you feeling?"

"I'm okay Ammi," I say convincingly.

"Hasina what kind of a question is that, how do you expect her to be?"

"It's okay Abba, I'm really okay. I have accepted that Zayaan is with someone else and if she makes him happy, I'm happy for them."

"What have you decided to do if this wedding takes place?"

"I don't really know, I'm not ready for such a relationship. Zayaan still doesn't have his memory and it makes it difficult for me to make a decision now."

"Uncle I think we…" Aahil says before I interupted him.

"Aahil please."

"It's okay beta, he just wants to help."

"Amaani we here to give you these papers, we really sorry we couldn't do more for you and that you have to go through all this."

"Abba what is this?"

"A little something from us, it doesn't compensate and we not trying to compensate for all the trouble you being put through. We don't know what decision you going to make but before Zayaan gets married again we needed to do this."

Once they left I opened the envelope, it was papers to all the property Abba owned. He transfered all his property to me. I couldn't accept this, it was never about money or property, I don't need all this.

I had to return these papers immediately, I asked Aahil to take me to their house. I didn't want to go alone and bump into Zayaan. The house was decorated outside and inside, ready for a wedding.

Tabassum saw us standing at the door, I thought to myself that I had made a mistake coming here. As we walked in everyone turned to look at us, it felt awkward being here.

"Dr Amaani Siddiqui , what brings you here?"

"Dr Siddiqui?" Aahil says confused.

"I'm here to see Ab.. uhm I mean Mr Malik?"

"Okay so I'm here what can I do for you?"

"Not you, she means your father," Aahil interupts.

"Aahil, stop it.."

"Oh sorry I didn't realise that, did Abba call you is something wrong with him?"

"No Sir, he is fine. I have some other work with Mr Malik."

"Oh okay, Tabassum take Dr Siddiqui to Abba, was nice seeing you again Dr Siddiqui."

Tabassum took me to Abba's office, she hugged me tightly before she knocked on Abba's office door. She thanked Aahil for taking care of me, I knocked on the door and Abba asked us to come in.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum Abba."

"Walaikum Salaam, what happened? What brings you here?"

"I came to return this? I'm sorry but I can't accept it."

"Why not beta? This is your haq (right)."

"Abba, I was never and never will be after your property."

"I know that beta and I didn't  imply that. This is for my grandchild, not only you."

"Please Abba don't do this. All your grandchild and I want is your blessings and love. We don't want anything."

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