Chapter 2

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"Aasaalaatu Khaayrum Minan-Nauum." ( Prayer is better than sleep), Fawaaz bhai calls out as he knocks on my door. I get out of bed, make wudhu, pray my salaah and get back into bed. I sleep until 10am, when Nuwal bhabhi comes and knocks on my room door.

"Wake up Amaani," she yells.

I take a shower and put on my jeans and a t-shirt, I head down for breakfast and make lunch plans with Fawaaz bhai. He doesn't have classes today so we could party a little bit.

Ammi is out with Asma chaachi, they shopping for Asma Chaachi's son's Suhail's house. He is moving into his new flat and asked them to decorate it.

I breezed through the channels, there was nothing to watch on tv so I decide to go up to my room instead. I make sure I don't make any noise, Fawaaz bhai and Armaan were studying in their rooms.

I messaged my best friend Fathima to see if she was free tomorrow to go to the mall with me.

Me: "Hey chicka,what you up to tmrw?"

Fati: "Nothing much, might go with mum to the shop in the afternoon, and you?"

Me: "I need to go the mall tomorrow, you want to join me? I'll get bhabhi to drop us off."

"Sure no problem we can go, will tell my mum rather to take us."

"See you at 11."

I scroll through facebook to pass time but there's nothing interesting, I decide to read a book instead. After a while I go out to check where everyone was. Bhabhi and Fawaaz bhai were gone out and Abba was in his room, i wen to ask him if he needed anything but he was asleep. A little after I get to my room someone knocks on my door, I get up to check, it's Armaan.

"Come in dude," I smirk.

"Came to check what you doing with all your free time," he say sarcastically.

I pluck myself on my bed and Armaan takes a seat on the other end.

"I have something to tell you," he says nervously.

He moves to the side of the bed that I'm sitting on, he comes closer towards me. It freaks me out a bit, I move back and bump into the headboard.

"What do you want to tell me?" I say cautiously.

" would you feel if I confess that I'm inlove with you," he whispers.

I don't answer him, I sit there just staring at him, did he just tell me he loves me, I mentally ask myself.

He comes a little closer and takes my hand in his, he rubs his fingers against mine. I pull my hand away and get up as quickly as possible.

He walks towards me and says, "don't be afraid, I won't do anything you don't want me to do."

I sit on the couch in surprise, I don't know what to do. He sits on the floor besides the couch and takes my hand in his again, I don't pull back this time. He notices the confusion on my face and sits up.

He comes closer to me and leans forward, he puts his other hand on my chin and lifts my head. He looks me in the eye and says, "You don't have to say anything now, but think about it."

We sit there staring at each other, he leans closers, my heart starts beating faster, he moves his one hand cupping my face  and his lips press against mine, he moves back and walks out of the room.

I sit there reminising what just happened, I must admit it was my first kiss and I never expected it to happen this way.I spent the rest of the day in my room. I cancelled my lunch plans with Fawaaz Bhai and told my brother's I wasn't feeling well so they had my meals sent up.

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