Chapter 100

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The morning has been torturous, Zayaan hasn't said a word to me since he woke up. I decided to tell Abba about the conditions Raeesa has put forward.

I don't know if it's going to help but they need to know and Zayaan needs to come to some sort of decision.

I'm tired of waiting and delaying things,  if he has decided to give her a divorce then he should go through with it no matter what and if he decides he doesn't want a divorce he should let me know so we can move on.

Ammi called to let me know that she was going to be at Nanu's apartment for a few days clearing things up.

"How you beta?"

"I'm okay and you Ammi? How is Nanu managing?"

"We all trying to find solace, Nanu is okay, he has his moments but not infront of us."

"How is Zayaan doing?"

"He is okay I guess."

"Has he not been home?"

"He is home, she wants 50% of his estate and now he doesn't know what to do, he hasn't spoken to me today, for some reason he doesn't want to talk to me."

"Did you two have an argument,  are you sure things are okay between the two of you?"

"I don't know anymore Ammi, sometimes I wonder why am I even here. It's like I'm torturing myself and enjoying being tortured."

"Why don't you come home for the rest of your pregnancy?"

"I don't know Ammi, I don't want to leave and he thinks that I've given up."

"Explain to him that you still want to be with him but you need stability for a safe pregnancy. You not running away or deserting him, you only taking a break."

"I'll see how things go for today and then decide."

"Let me know what you decide and we can arrange everything for you. We love you baby and we want what's best for you. We want your happiness and if you not happy there then don't torture yourself by staying there."

"I love you too Ammi, I'll call you tonight."

I went to our room to see what Zayaan was doing just then the door bell rang. One of the helpers came up to call Zayaan and I. Abba was here to see us.

I didn't tell Zayaan that I had spoken to Abba about Raeesa. He probably didn't want to take my advise but I can't sit here and be miserable.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum Abba."

"Walaikum Salaam, how are you doing beta?"

"Alhamdulillah. Can I get Abba something to drink?"

"I won't have anything beta, where is Zayaan?"

"He is upstairs, he said he is coming down in a few minutes."

"I will wait for him then. How are you managing?"

"Okay, it's just very cold these days. Can't handle the cold here."

"You should keep warm, take care of yourself."

"Assalaam-u-alaikum Abba," Zayaan greets casually.

"Walaikum Salaam, how are you?"

"I'm good beta, so how are things going here?"

"All good Abba, how is Ammi and Tabassum?"

"They are good. Tell me did something happen here?"

"No Abba, why would Abba think that something happened?" Zayaan said and then looked at me.

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