Chapter 15

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I woke up this morning praying for a better day, a less stressful day. I woke up and decided that I was going to give Zayaan a second chance, maybe I'm being to harsh on him by hating everything he has been doing. He hasn't been nasty to me, infact he has been an absolute gentleman.

I get ready and rush downstairs to help my Ammi and bhabhi to make breakfast and see Zayaan already awake, dressed and busy helping in the kitchen. I stood against the door for about 5 minutes until they noticed I was there.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum Amaani, slept well?" Zayaan smiles.

"Walaikum Salaam, yes I did and you?"

"I slept perfect."

"Trying to impress Ammi and bhabhi, don't try they not going to like you."

"Amu!" Scowls Ammi.

"Why won't they I'm so charming?"

"Because I don't like you," I say with a grin on my face.

"Amu! Apologise to Zayaan, that was so rude of you."  Ammi shouts at me.

"It's okay Ammi, she's just joking."

Did he just call my mother Ammi? And no I'm not joking I don't like you, I thought to myself, I wanted to say it but I knew it would get me into trouble. Zayaan got up from his seat and left the kitchen, I had to listen to my Ammi give me a long lecture on how to be around Zayaan and how to behave.

So much for a better day, I had to be more careful what I say I guess. At breakfast Zayaan asks my parent's permission to take me out. He feels that because we around everyone we not getting to speak to each other and get to know each other. My Abba agrees without asking me.

I grab my bag and cellphone, Zayaan is already waiting for me by the door, he does the usual open the door, close the door for me thing and gets into the car.

"Anywhere specific you want to go to?" He asks.

"Not really, I'm sure you picked a good place."

"Actually I picked a place 20 minutes away from here, I didn't want to bump into any of your family or friends so I decided to go out of town."

"It's fine by me," I say nonchalantly.

We drive all the way there and we didn't say a word to each other for the last 20 minutes. I'm guessing he is upset with me. I know I'm being too harsh but I can't help myself. I don't really want to be marrying him and I know I will be marrying him so I want him to hate me from now. It just seems every try I give, he forgives me and moves on.

We get to a lovely restaurant, very cozy and warm, Zayaan asks the waiter if they have a private section. He really wants to be alone with no disturbances, the waiter shows us the way and we follow him, he hands us the menu and we order waffles and ice-cream.

"So why the private area?"

"I want to spend time with my future wife, I think when we around everyone we don't get to talk, I don't want us going into this new journey together and not know each other. I would like to know some things about you before we get engaged."

He stared at me for a few seconds, until the waiter brought us our waffles. He apologised again for staring, I was flattered that he stared at me although yes it is a little creepy.

"Can I come sit next to you?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Yes you may."

He came to sit next to me on the padded seat, he turned slightly towards me. It made me nervous that he was sitting so close to me. He told the waiter not to disturb us and that we would call him when we wanted something.

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