Chapter 68

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I woke up this morning hopeful for a better day, I got out of bed, showered and got dressed. I sat in the room on the chaise lounge reading my book and waiting for Zayaan to wake up. He mentioned last night we having brunch with his cousin. While waiting I messaged Bhabhi to see how they were all doing.

Me: "Assalaam-u-alaikum Bhabhi. How are you and everyone at home doing? I'm missing you guys alot."

Bhabhi: "Walaikum Salaam Amu, we all okay. We missing you like crazy. I made cabbage yesterday and Abba mentioned at the table how you would squel when we made it because of it's smell."

Me: "Abba also, how is he doing? Did he go doctor?"

Bhabhi: "You asking that Amu, he only goes when you drag him, I tried it but it didn't work, he told me not to try to do what you do."

Me: "Sorry Bhabhi, I know he is going to be difficult now and you will have to get all the shouting. Let me go Zayaan just woke up now."

Bhabhi: "Okay Amu, take care of yourself and don't stress about Abba."

Me: "You too bhabhi."

I put my phone down and went to sit on the bed, Zayaan was awake but he was lazy to get out of bed. He looked at me and smiled, then he took my hand and kissed it.

"I'm sorry doll."

"Why? Have you noticed in these past few days how many times you've said sorry. But why are you sorry?"

"I hurt your feelings yesterday."

"Get up now and get dressed, did you see the time," I said as I got up from the bed.

"Doll I said I'm sorry, why are you still upset," Zayaan said as he grabbed my hand.

"I'm not upset babes, I don't want to speak about people who are not important to me. I promise you I'm not upset. Now get ready we have brunch with your cousin."

"Okay love but I'm sorry."

"I heard you Zayaan."

While Zayaan got ready I sat and read my book, when he was done we went downstairs. Like a real Indian he wanted homemade tea before we went for brunch because the restaurant doesn't serve proper boiled tea. I'm not a tea person so I don't mind coffee from a restaurant.

Zayaan told me a little bit about his cousin before we got to the restaurant. His name is Jameel, he was very rich and then lost everything so his wife Laila left him and he did everything to get back all his money just so she would come back.

She didn't leave him because she wanted money, she left him so he could fight for his money. Her brother cheated Jameel and took all his money so she helped Jameel get his money back and hasn't spoken to her brother ever since.

When we got to the restaurant Jameel and Laila were waiting in the car. Zayaan spotted them and went to call them while I waited by the car. I thought by the look of the car they were driving that they would come out of the car smartly dressed in designer wear but they were dressed so simple, they both wore jeans and a T-shirt. 

Zayaan did warn me that I would be over dressed if I wore something hectic, so he also forced me to change into jeans and a T-shirt but I didn't feel like wearing a T-shirt so I wore a kurti top.

"Assalaam-u-alaikum, I'm Laila and you must be Amaani, I'm Jameel's wife."

"Walaikum Salaam, Jee I'm Amaani, how are you?"

"Alhamdulillah I can't complain, are you liking it here in our town so far?"

"Haven't got to see much as yet, need to get use to the roads first so I can explore."

"When you ready let me know, I'll take you around."

"Thanks, that would be lovely."

"Bhabhi, Assalaam-u-alaikum, how are you doing? I hope my cousin is treating you well."

"Walaikum Salaam. Alhamdulillah he is."

"Just let me know if he isn't. I will sort him out."

We walked into the restaurant, the waitress showed us our table and left us to decide what we wanted. After we ordered the men went outside for a smoke. Zayaan doesn't smoke but he went to give Jameel company.

"Jameel couldn't decide what to call you, Zayaan and Jameel have one year difference in age, Zayaan is elder so I told him to call you bhabhi, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all, although I wouldn't mind if he called me by my name, whatever he is comfortable with."

"Sorry about Jameel leaving to smoke, he is trying to quit but with stress at the office it's getting difficult."

"It's okay, don't worry about it. So what do you do?"

"I'm just at home."

"Oh nice, do you enjoy being a housewife?"

"Well if ordering servants whole day is called a house wife then yes I love it. It can get boring but I usually go out with friends. Maybe you should join us sometime."

"What are you ladies talking about?" Zayaan ask nonchalantly.

"I was just telling Amaani that she should join my friends and I when we go out."

"If she is free, did she not tell you that she probably won't have time," Zayaan says jokingly.

"Zayaan don't be rude. Why won't I have time?"

"You have to give me all your time doll."

"Laila I think we shouldn't have invited them for brunch, they need time alone still."

"Jameel ignore Zayaan please, he is crazy."

"Anyways let us order."

Finally normal people in Zayaan's life, I was starting to think that he didn't know how to chose friends. I know this is his cousin but it's still one normal couple we know. I would have gone crazy if they were also weird.

As we were driving home Zayaan decided that since we have time he wanted to show me his office. We pulled up at a huge tall building, their office was on the 16th floor.

We went up to his office, Zack one of Zayaan's colleagues welcomed us just as we got out of the elevator, Zayaan introduced me to all his staff and then took me to his office, I am glad I got to see where he works and that he thought of it on his own.

We didn't have any more invites from anyone he knew, I was glad we can spend the next two days together. My family will be here by Friday evening and I want to give them my full attention for the time they here.

Ammi called and said that they will arrive here at 5pm and will go straight to the hotel. I told Zayaan about their plans, he wasn't very happy that we have such a big house and they will be staying at the hotel.

I tried explaining to him that we just got married, they don't want to impose on us so they will go to the hotel and the hotel is like our own house. He said that family don't impose, strangers do.

He called Abba and told him that he was having someone fetch them at the airport and that they will be staying with us. Abba refused but Zayaan told him if he doesn't come stay by us, he will only see me on the day of the Walimah.

After Abba and Zayaan spoke, Abba called me to convince Zayaan that they will be comfortable at the hotel and if they stay with us people will talk. Zayaan didn't care what people said and wanted my family to come stay with us.

From both sides they wanted me to get involved but I made it clear that they should do what they thought was right. At the end Abba gave in and Zayaan won. I just wanted my family to be comfortable.

The rest of the day we spent at home just the two of us enjoying each others company. I was glad that I didn't have to dress up or visit anymore people. I appreciated their efforts but two of our meetings were not so good.


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