The girl .

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Sounds of a Colombian folk song' la casa en el aire' from Rafael Escalona were heard throughout Ciudad Bolivar , a slum in Bogota , the music came from a video Library nearby , next to the video library was a shop that sold used bicycle spare parts , two boys in their skinny jeans and a girl with curly hair in a dark brown t-shirt showed up throughout the slum , walked towards the shop that gathered and sold used bicycle spare parts .

The two boys waited outside the shop as the girl went inside, reaching the counter table , she banged it really hard with both her hands .

"Yes, how can I help you girl ?" the shop attendant who was alone inside the shop calmly asked, arrogant customers are a familiar in the neighborhood, banging his counter wasn't calling for attention.

"I was here yesterday, don't you remember ?" the girl asked . " I've come to pick up what I asked you to get me ."

"Oh I remember now , just sit there and I'll bring you a cup of coffee as I get you what you want ."

"Listen to me man , I'm not here to have a cup of coffee , just get me what I want and I will leave," the girl pulled out a gun from a black jacket she was wearing on top her dark brown t-shirt , then placed it on a table .

"Calm down girl," the shop keeper had his hands up. "I am only trying to pull up a nice gesture ."

"Well am not interested in your nice gestures , just get me what I came here for ." In her eyes , she looked like she'd faced many demons .

As the man was going further inside the shop to get the girl what she wanted which was money , one of the two boys outside blew a whistle by his mouth after seeing cops closing by , the cops knew who they were, they've been looking for kids who've involved in drug trafficking and extorting money from the locals, so when they saw them , began running after them, the girl was alerted, didn't wait for what the shop attendant was to give her , ran out and two cops ran after her as the other cops ran after the other two boys ,the girl ran throughout the markets in the slum, jumping over peoples' merchandise , with her gun in her right hand , in this situation, she began remembering the kind of training she went through with the guerrillas in the jungle , how they jumped tree trunks , rivers , rocks just not be caught.

The other two boys managed to get to their motorbike, the cops lost them ,for the girl, she kept on running and running , when she suddenly thought of looking back , saw that they were no longer after her, thought to herself that she'd lost them ,they surprised her from the front in a corner from both sides ,pointed their guns at her and asked her to put down her weapon , all cornered, the girl laid down her weapon ,one of the cops rushed to her , had her arms at her back , handcuffed her and she was arrested .

At a facility.

"The girl claims to be twenty doctor Tatania, we can not keep her here ." A man in his army green uniform , believed to be a general explained to a woman in her doctor's lab coat .

"But earlier you told me that she doesn't look twenty , you know it will be child abuse if we throw her out to a maximum prison," Tatiana replied .

"So ,we're going to keep her here with others ? Remember she has experience in guns , she's extra-ordinary , it has been difficult to catch her , a girl like her is no ordinary girl , she's dangerous."

"Let me talk to her ,then we will see what we can do next ."

"Alright doctor," the general agreed .

Tatiana went inside where the girl was confined , sat down on the other side of the table , looked at the girl but the girl had her head held down with all her curly hair covering her face, not interested in who's coming in who's going out.

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