Natalia .

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One evening , Natalia decided to go for a drink at Night pool club after a clash with Santiago at his house , when done ordering her first shot from the bar tender , on the table away from her , she heard two voices she was familiar with , one was saying goodbye to the other , turning around , all she could see was professor Rodrigo left alone , ambitious as she was , went to his table to have a drink with him.

Earlier Rodrigo was with Fuentes having a conversation , Rodrigo had asked professor Fuentes to go home alone when he asked him if they could leave after their conversation , the two were at the club talking about their lives especially Rodrigo's relationship with Connie who had just dumped him, it had been frustrating for Rodrigo and he had asked Fuentes to join him for drink  to cool down that evening .

"Are your friends nearby ?" Natalia pulled a seat out from the table and sat down .

"No , am all by myself tonight , how about you, where are your friends ?" Rodrigo looked surprised to see her , surprised to see a girl who says anything at anytime to anyone .

"My friends are out there studying and having a good time by themselves in two two , so since I never got a reading partner , I decided to come here and have a few drinks and am  pretty sure I made the right decision ," she smiled .

"You're quite something Natalia , I think it's advisable you go home and study , there are no answers to questions that will be asked in your exams in these bottles ."

"Who cares ?, by the way professor , before professor Fuentes left , I accidentally overheard that the two of you talking about a woman who lives with the Dean and I wonder whether it's Hurianah or Connie ."

"What else did you hear ?" Rodrigo panicked in his response .

"Relax doctor , I won't say anything to anyone , hope it's not what am thinking but there is one thing I know , we're here to relax so let's dance , sitting here and all we do is talk and talk , it's quite boring , let's dance ." She grabbed his right hand .

Though Rodrigo tried to hesitate claiming to be a bad dancer , Natalia pulled him out of his seat and the two began dancing and drinking , the two got really drunk,  and drunk as they were , on their way home, they decided to take a taxi , reaching Rodrigo's apartment first , Natalia told him that her mother won't open the door for her because it seemed late , asked him she could sleep over at his apartment , Rodrigo thought about it and realized it was something good he could do for the girl after all he knew her.

Having spent the whole night together ,dancing together , drinking together and close to each other , a temptation between the two occurred , helping each other to get inside the room , the two began kissing and eventually Rodrigo took her inside his bedroom , undressed her as she pulled down his jeans and his shirt off , it was a moment excitement for the two that evening .

Next morning , Rodrigo woke up and realized that there was someone else still sleeping in his bed ,'oh god , what have I done', it's all what he whispered to himself , slowly he threw off the sheets , grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom, Natalia was also awake when he woke up and probably she heard what he whispered to himself , when she was certain that he had began taking his bath, reached for her dress , had  it on her naked layer , grabbed her closed brown shoes and sneaked out his apartment , from there she went straight to school witj her hair uncombed and without even having had a bath , she wasn't the only one arriving at school looking messed up that morning , Fiona who never had a comfortable sleep at Santiago's house due to spending a night on a couch , rushed to her mother's house for a bath and after the  bath , on her way to school with her mother , her mother who was sited in a reserved seat by her because of her pregnancy realized that she was dozing .

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