In Choco .

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The next morning after spending the night in the truck . Victor woke and went straight to the officer who also had spent the night monitoring around the area , asked him whether the report had come , when he told him 'not yet ', he asked about a woman with curly golden copper blonde hair in her late thirties and a bald man in around his late forties since the officer had been around right from when the landslide took place , the officer told him he hasn't seen any of the two .

"Well if I may ask you one more question sir , how do I get to the other side of the mountain ?"

"There is no way you can get to the other side , it's all covered with mud and thick bushes , however the only way to get there is by a cable car which some of the miners in this area use ."

"No way ." Hurianah joined them . "We can not use a cable car ."

"Well Huria ." Victor took her aside to explain it to her . "This is the only chance you've got to go back home and leave me with this problem , I'll find my parents on my own ."

"And I can not agree to that either . I maybe scared of cable cars but I can not lose this opportunity to prove to your mother that am worthy of you, not Fiona ."

Scared as she was , she managed to join the other few people inside a ski lift , held herself tight on Victor as it slopped down to the other side through skyscraper tall trees .

Back at home in Bogota at San Pedro university , though doctor Alfonso won the case against students who wanted to remove him from his position as the chairman of the university, it was time for his term to expire and a new Dean was supposed to be elected , among those aspiring for the position was doctor Caroline . Alfonso couldn't believe this when he found out that she was among the possible candidates for the position , he had spent a almost a week with Caroline ,sleeping together and having a good time together but she never ever once mentioned anything about contesting for the position to him . Caroline had silently submitted in her candidacy and furious as Alfonso was he went to her office to talk about it.

"Can you tell me why you didn't tell me that you're also aspiring for the same position as I am ? We've spent a whole week together Caroline ." He pushed the door wide open . " You never talked about it , what am I to you ?" He asked .

"I didn't know we had to mix our personal life with our professional life . I thought we were crystal clear to each right from the beginning of our relationship , when we're at work , we're different people and out from work we're supposed to be something else , you know it very well Alfonso ." Calmly she remained in her seat .

"I know but still , am not a log or something . I have feelings , you would have told me about it ."

"Well that's unprofessional to me Alfonso and I don't get , are you more worried about being beaten by a woman or worried about losing the position?"

"So for you, it's about that ,well for me it isn't , it's about trust . I thought I could be someone you can trust and you someone I can trust in whatever we do but I guess that wasn't the case and if you would excuse me . I have a meeting to attend to ." He left her office with his mouth quivering and drooling .

At the hall in a meeting with other members of stuff . Alfonso again received a call from his daughter , on answering it . Huria asked him why he wasn't answering her calls last night . Alfonso dodged the question and asked her where she was and how she was doing, she told him she was in Choco .

"Chuco !?" He was in disbelief looking at the television screen after Anderson turned it on . "What are you doing in Choco?" He then turned the phone on loud speaker on seeing on TV that there was a landslide in the area .

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