Santiago's revenge .Fuentes leaves

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Getting hold of Manuel's identity card he used while still working at the university. Santiago left the room , found Huria still at the balcony looking sad .

"Come on Huria . I thought you had already gone to for some other business , if you're still thinking about Fiona , you don't have to worry , we will find Fiona's accomplices so that we can be extra careful or expose them . I can not even believe it I helped that girl's mother to get a job here in the university ."

"I'm not worried about that and am not interested in finding her accomplices . I've just listened to a voice message from my father and when I called him , he insisted that I shouldn't tell anyone about this , it's a sensitive matter , this can lead us into trouble , let me hope I can count on you Santiago ."

Still talking about the issue. Fiona came from no where ,turning around they saw her passing by , she said 'hello' to them . Huria didn't reply to her .Santiago asked her whether she was okay in a provocative way. Fiona didn't respond to him , she continued on her way outside the building with angry face , she knew they were now gossiping about her .Victor whom she had been with saw what the two had just done , he came running after her as she got out of the university premises , asked her if he could drop her off to her house .

"I will take a bus ." Talking about a bus , it reminded her the first time she took a bus with her mother to San Pedro university, she told her mother she would be a doctor someday , her mother laughed at her and asked her how possible a former militant can become a doctor , she had never heard of such a thing . Fiona felt like what her mother told her was becoming true .

"Come on Fiona." Victor tapped her from her thoughts . " I don't think you're fine . I will drop you off to your house ."

"All right ."

Santiago and Huria saw the two leaving. Santiago continued poisoning Huria about the possibility of Victor being a member of the guerrillas since he's a best friend to Fiona ,he also reminded her how the two came to the university together , he could be working in a market and living a normal life like any other people but a militia as well . Huria asked him to stop tormenting her with the idea that Victor was among Fiona's comrades, he had no choice but to leave her alone .

Santiago's family had a lawyer who had been helping them with different cases , he once helped Santiago's father with a case of a patient's relative who was suing his father for negligence that lead to the death of a patient , getting obsessed with this issue of Fiona being a guerrilla ,he had to make her pay for rejecting him as her boyfriend , for taking him through all the effort just to be close to her , so he made a call to 'Satomayor' his family lawyer , the two agreed to meet and when they met at Santiago's house , he gave him the identity card he got from the security guard , asked if he could find a complete police report about the name of person on the identity card .

"You know getting into police files , it's not that easy Santiago ."

"I understand your language , here is ten thousand pesos ." He handed him a large amount of money in his hands to quicken the process, the lawyer promised results by the next day .

The next Monday morning before leaving for the university . Satomayor was already at Santiago's house , he welcomed him in ,asked if he had already got what he had asked for . Satomayor showed him a report.

"You got it , wow, you're really efficient counselor Satomayor ." He was surprised with how he did it really fast in few hours .

"This is what money does Santiago."

"Well what does it say ?"

"In this copy of the original report , it says that Manuel was arrested on murder of a man called Raul Gimenez . Raul was to be a witness on charges against a certain colonel called Baragan and his accomplice called Rios , colonel Baragan is well known for the operation he made that lead to the death of several guerrillas though it's believed these people he killed were not guerrillas." He lifted down the papers from his face . "But what I don't understand Santiago , why are you looking for this guy , it's simply a guy who might have killed a witness and I don't think there is something wrong with someone like this working as a security guard at your university?"

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