Catch me if you can .

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At a restaurant nearby the Virrey park , the two sat down and decided to have talk about what has been going on with their lives since they last saw each the day when they were checking on their exam results ,throughout the conversation , Fiona talked less but asked many questions ,Maria Luise , due to lack of friends except a few on Facebook which she'd never met , was much excited about meeting her, she talked a lot and replied to many questions of hers.

"You said your father's name is Colonel Baragan?" Fiona asked one of her questions .

"Yes , do you know him?" Out of curiosity Maria Luise asked .

"No , it's just that there is this famous Colonel Baragan who was in newspapers recently for destroying large camps of guerrillas in Colombia and am wondering whether it's the same Colonel ," she explained animatedly .

"Yes he's the same the colonel , my brave father , the government recognized his great works for this country and gave him a medal of honor , my father has saved this country from the brutality of those guerrillas, my father has fought really hard against crimes towards humanity , my father is such a great man , he's my hero , if I were a boy , I would join the army ."

"You must be really proud of your father ."

"Of course I am ."

"You've talked about the possibility of joining the army , I know many women who are in the army now , don't you think that's a lame excuse that you're a girl ."

"I know Fiona , but my father doesn't let me even think about it ."

"He must be very protective Maria luise ."

"Yes he is and in fact , if he finds out that I stepped out of the house now , he will scold me , he will be like where did you go , whom were you with , what were you doing , what took you so long , are you okay ?, questions like that that really bore me ."

"But he must have fouls somehow ."

"I don't know but from what I see at home , he's the sweetest dad ever ."

"I think your dad is worried about you now Maria Luise ."

"Oh now Fiona, " she looked into her handbag .

"What happened ?" Fiona asked .

"I forgot my cellphone at home, he must be at home right now and he's wondering where I am , I need to call him ."

"You don't have to worry , you can use mine ."

"You're so sweetest Fiona , thank you ."

Maria Luise got Fiona's phone ,dialed her father's mobile number , her father was already inside his house scolding Pamela Luise for having let his daughter go out with stranger , Pamela Luise tried to defend herself , explained to him the girl that went out with their daughter was a friend to their daughter , the two were known to each other ,there was nothing to worry about , Baragan couldn't listen ,insisted on knowing the name of the restaurant where her daughter and the girl with her went , Pamela luise told him she didn't know cause she didn't tell her and she forgot her phone at home .

"Tell me Baragan , is she the girl ?, why are you getting so worked up over this , that girl I saw does seem to be of no harm ,she's simply a surveyor trying to earn a living from her school work , is she really the girl ?" Pamela luise began getting more curious .

"What are you talking about woman ?" Baragan balked in his response .

"Is she the girl ?" she insisted .

"Shut up woman , I have to answer this call ," he received a call and immediately recognized the number , it was from Fiona .

"Where is............ ?" before he could say anything further , he heard his daughter's voice .

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