The third assembly

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On the next day of the assembly ,everyone was anxiously waiting for what happens next , a soldier who has been working with Hurianah and Fiona on their reports was brought up before the students , Huria explained to him what he had to do , the soldier gave her a condition that if the curly girl was to be around , he would do whatever she wants . Huria promised him to see the curly girl among the students watching .

She helped him get on to the podium , after standing next to a microphone, she gave him his crutches to support him before a microphone and just when he was ready . Alfonso welcomed him and thanked him for his bravely ,thanked him for agreeing to be around with them to clarify a few things that were bothering them as a university.

"As you see sir, we are gathered here for a common solution to the idea of former guerrilla militants attending schools." Alfonso added . "This university is a medical school, we teach students here how to become better doctors in future , so I would like to ask you a question sir , a person like you who has experienced the wrath of guerrilla militants unlike anyone of us here , a person like you who lost your leg because of them , would you let former guerrillas  attend schools ?"

"First I will tell you my full story right from the beginning when my unit received an Intel that the guerrillas were to attack , we got this Intel late , the guerrillas surrounded my unit and killed everyone , my friend and I managed to survive in the exchange of bullets and grenades , the two of us ran as faster as we could ,the guerrillas weren't willing to give up till they had us all killed , so they ran after us , we slept in mad trying to hide from them ,lucky enough we managed to lose them but a tragedy happened during that moment when we were wandering throughout the jungle ,i stepped on a landmine , it blew my leg off ,my friend got his only jacket in that cold weather and tried to stop the bleeding ,the sound from that landmine alarmed the guerrillas ,they came back , because my friend was the only standing , he was visible to them in that thick surrounding ,they thought he was attending to his landmine wound , they shot him with a full magazine before me and he died , it was absolutely brutal . I can never forget that moment .I keep on seeing that in my dreams ,it's still tormenting me ." Tears streamed down his face as everyone wore a sad face around him.

"Sir ,i see you've been through a lot and I feel so sorry for your loss but the question is ,would you allow people who did that to you ,people who killed your friend to attend school?" Santiago couldn't wait to get an answer from him .

"Would I allow people like that to attend school?" He glared at Santiago . "Is that what you're asking ?"

"That is my question ." He replied .

"My answer is 'yes' . I don't have a room for grudges on people like them , hating them won't bring back  my friend ,hating them won't bring back my leg , hating them will only make me suffer and suffer more ,am glad since I came here, the two girls who have been helping me out in my recovery have helped a lot  on how to get rid of those bad dreams , all I can see now is a bright future ." He stood firm on his point .

"If I may ask one more question sir." Hurianah also had something to say . "Would go back and serve your country despite what happened to you ?"

"Of course , if it weren't this leg ,i would go back and serve my country , serving this country it's what you can love most , killing those who are trying to disrupt the peace of this country it's like a doctor saving lives , you do it with passion ."

"I'd like to thank you sir for sharing your experience with everyone here ." Alfonso stepped in . "There is something for us to learn and to let you all know , all this that have been happening lately have really changed me as a person . Huria will you help you back to your room and for the rest of you students here , this university isn't only for academic excellence , we should look at life from a different perspective ."

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