Fiona moves in . Adriana leaves .

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The next day in professor Ignasia's class , medical students were studying about the intestines of a human being .Fiona who was sharing the same tools with Natalia began feeling light headed and nauseous , the back of her neck and her shoulders were tense , professor Ignasia who for the past few hours started paying attention to her ,saw her twisting her head and shoulders , came and told her if she isn't feeling well ,she should step out of the class and can come back when she's better .

"I think if she steps out , you're going to give her a zero ,jut like you always do to those who walk out of your class ." Natalia tried to warn Fiona not to fall for the professor's trap .

"Come on Natalia , if this has ever happened to you , it doesn't mean that it can happen to the rest , besides at the assembly ,doctor Alfonso told us to make peace with one another ,this is not the time to hold grudges , so Fiona if you're not feeling well , you can step out of the class , you won't get a zero ." "Thank you sir ." She gave her tools to Natalia and walked out of the class .

Fiona went to the cafeteria and bought a bottle of water for herself ,after taking a sip , she began feeling better , while still at the cafe taking a bottle of water , inside the class , professor Ignasia received a call from doctor Petrolina , the students glared at him because he's the one who teaches them to switch off their cellphones during classes but he never switches off his while teaching , he never minded the looks on their faces , instead he stepped out of the class to receive the call since it was really important and confidential .

""Sorry for taking long to answer , am having a class , now tell me , what did you find out ?"

"I managed to get the contacts of the doctor in that file ,her name is Segura , she knows the girl very well and claims that the girl is very important, her and another group which she didn't want to disclose are desperately looking for , she pleaded to me that if I find the girl . I should immediately let her know ."

"I hope you didn't tell her where to find the girl !"

"Of course not . I wouldn't ruin our deal . I know the only way we can have money from her is by keeping this a secret ."

"You did very well Petrolina , we'll talk more about this when we meet . I can now see the girl here coming towards me from a cafeteria ." He hanged up before Fiona could hear their conversation .

Fiona came and told him she was feeling better , thanked him for letting her go out , explained to him the reason why she felt dizzy , she didn't have meals yesterday and she over worked .

" It's all fine now doctor ." She added as the two walked back to class. "All I have to do is to have a meal after classes and am sure this migraine will go away pretty soon ."

"Oh wait Fiona." Immediately Ignasia thought of something . "You know this issue of you having a migraine has really struck me . I have a few tablets at my apartment that can help you with that problem . I know you can buy them from the hospital here but the thing is, the medicine here can also get expensive , why don't you give me your phone number? i will contact you when I get the tablets ."

"All right professor ." She read her phone number to him , after went back inside the class with him.

After classes , she went to meet with Manuel at his apartment .Manuel was home , the two sat down to talk , talked about Adriana's idea of leaving for Ecuador and how Manuel was to cope up with being a single parent .Manuel thought about something that would be good for both Fiona and him , he proposed that Fiona should move in with him, looking so surprised ,she told him to first talk to her mother , if she agrees then she was to move in with him.

He didn't hesitate , told her to go right away with him and talk to her mother , inside Ms Meriya's house at the rooftop where everyone was chatting . Ms Meriya couldn't understand the way the two were acting when they told her that they had something they wanted to tell her . Manuel looking like he lacks courage and paralyzed . Meriya was forced to ask him what the problem was .

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