Naming the child

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Two weeks without showing up at the Bustamente's house . Chucho decided to try out his luck again one afternoon and see if Mr Miguel could sign the merger ,he met with Miguel as he was about to enter his house ,asked him how he has been for the past two weeks . Miguel assured him that he has been doing fine and the business was also doing well if he wanted to know about it too . Chucho presented the papers again before him to sign .

"What is this Mr Chucho?"

"It's the contract silly , you need to sign this , we're going to be great in business together ."

"Like I said a few weeks ago . I can not sign anything without Fiona's approval ."

"Mr Miguel , is Fiona the man in this house or it's you ? why do you always have to look up to her if you want something in life ? as far as I remember .Fiona is a medical student not a girl studying business management , just sign these papers and we end this once and for all ."

"Fiona is more educated compared to anyone of us in this house , so I wouldn't like you to take an advantage me by signing those absurd papers of yours ."

"Well Mr Miguel , if you don't sign the papers , you're forcing me to take drastic measures since you can not stand up like a man , what am going to do now is to take away the three washing machines I gave you apart from that one you bought , you're going to lose all your customers to me , you know it won't be hard for me to convince those customers to take my side , am a well known man in this neighbourhood ,now again think about it , will you sign the papers?"

Thinking about how his daughters will react if they're to find out that the washing machines he named after them were taken away ,thinking about how hard it has been for him to find a job from where he could pay the house expenses ,and also thinking about his pregnant wife and the expenses he will be paying throughout the nine months .Mr Miguel hesitantly had to sign the papers , a smile showered on Chucho's face as he saw Miguel signing the papers ,after signing the contract . Miguel remembered he had to pay him half of the debt from what three washing machines had already made , he went in and got the money for him, after paying him ,he joined his family that was organizing a party to celebrate the naming of the child on a rooftop.

Earlier Mrs Meriya had gone to doctor Sylvia for a sonogram to find the sex of the child , her daughter Fiona had advised her about this after Monica asked her if she already knew the sex of the child , Fiona took her and begged Sylvia to help her find the sex of the child . Meriya never wanted to go through this with a fear that it could be painful and it might harm the baby.

"Come on mother."She said before entering Sylvia's office . " This is not going to hurt or harm the baby , you're simply going to check on your amniotic fluid level , whether it's little or much or if you can be advised to have regular Ultrasounds ,the doctor will also be checking the well-being of you baby, she will be checking the baby's movements and breathing , you will also be diagnosed if you have a high or low blood pressure ,not to forget the sex of the child ." She insisted as she dragged her inside Sylvia's office

And after leaving her in Sylvia's care. Fiona left for her classes . Sylvia was glad to receive Meriya again , wondered whether she had come with her husband because knowing about a child's sex , it's advisable to bring the husband along . Meriya told her Miguel stayed home since he was busy with his work and that she wanted to give him and the rest of the family a surprise about any news about the baby .

"And doctor ." She continued . "If you don't mind , is it possible if you can put the results of the child's sex in an envelope when we're done ? I want to open that at home . I don't want to know either till I get home with my family ."

"I have no problem with that , after we're done I will put the results in an envelope ." Sylvia promised her what she had asked for and when she was done carrying out the sonogram , she did put the results in an envelope and gave it to her , Meriya thanked her and stepped out on her away home .

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