Raul's testimony.

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At a military base, lieutenant Rios made a call to United States , colonel Baragan who was already in there answered the call and asked him what the matter was , he told him  they'd got a little problem regarding the investigation going on around him.

"What do you mean we've got a little problem ?" Baragan asked .

"I think they've found someone to testify against you colonel ."

"That's not a little problem , that's a big problem you idiot , my career can get ruined because of that , instead of wasting time making these international calls , go out there and find out who is testifying ."

"All right colonel , I assure you , am going to work on that ."

Just after getting off from his phone , Manuel's god father was shocked with what he saw before him, he saw a face that was familiar being taken away inside a convoy under a strong military protection , he began getting disturbed from what he was seeing ,couldn't believe what was happening , recently he had known that there was someone to testify against Baragan but didn't expect that person to be the one he was seeing then .

"How the hell is it possible that he's still alive ?" he asked himself .

Immediately went back inside the Military building to the national archive , asked the soldier who was working there whether she knew about the prisoner who had just been taken away from the base , she told him that he was actually not a prisoner though he appeared to be one , he was a witness and he was under witness protection program .

"Did you get his name ?" Rios asked .

"Look here lieutenant , what you know now is enough , am not in position to disclose that classified information ." Lieutenant Susan replied .

"Come on we both work here together as soldiers , it's no big deal if I get to know the name of that person , and whom he's testifying against."

"Sorry lieutenant , we may both  be soldiers here but we have different units and this is how it works here , mind your own business and I would do the same ."

Lieutenant Rios realized  he was  getting nothing out of her and decided to leave her office , did his best to find out where the witness was taken , after asking a few soldiers around , he managed to get information on where exactly the witness was taken , he was kept in an hotel nearby the base , wasted no time and payed a visit to him .

"Who is it ?" the witness inside asked when he heard a knock on the door .

"You don't have to worry , am with the crew ."  the voice replied .

He opened the door and saw a stunted bald man standing in the door way fully dressed up in his full military suit and well polished black boots .

"How may I help? , where is colonel Alzate ?" Raul asked him .

"Well Alzate won't be able to come here for today ."

"We had a deal , he told me I won't be receiving anyone except him , what are you doing here ?"

"Relax Raul , I told you we're both on the same crew ," he stepped inside and locked the door as Raul sat on bed .

"What are you talking about and how did you know my name ?"

"I know a lot about you Raul Gimenez ."

"Now I get it , you're with Baragan ."

"I didn't expect you to be this smart ," he laughed .

"So what do you want ? Did Baragan send you to kill me ?"

"Tell me something," calmly he continued speaking . "How did you survive? You're supposed to be dead," he sat next to him on bed as Raul extended further to the other side.

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